Feb 21, 2012 18:52
Things that make me happy today:
- I have water. Which is awesome! Showers, baths, brushing my teeth, COOKING is way easier when there's a functioning tap in my appartment and I don't have to go down to the basement with empty bottles every time I want to, like, clean myself. Or use the toilet. Awesomeness!
- I have internet, my very own internet. Yay! Technician came by today, figured out the problem, tried to fix it, couldn't, tried something else, still didn't work, I got really worried, then... he fixed it. Hooray!
- the floor in my appartment is very new and very smooth/slippery, I just spent like 5 minutes sliding up and down the room in my socks. It was great fun! I'm easily amused.
- current excavation is on break for the whole week until the owners of the house figure out their financial problems, which kinda sucks, especially since they are more or less blaiming me for taking too long, but we'll see. In the meantime I don't have to work and can use my free days to finally hang all the pictures, lamps and stuff and make this place look like home. Yay!
- one of my bosses told me the company wants to put up a picture of me on their homepage, now that I'm one of their employees. Which - OMG I'm so happy. First real job!!! I mean, I already have a contract and everything, but the pic somehow makes it more real. Yay!
Things that do not make me happy today - I need to go out now and deal with stupid people. Bah. But hey - when I come back, I'll still have internet! XD
real life,
ze german has a happy,
fucking finally,