Meeeeme. Okay, last entry, then sleep. Fuck, it's late. Or early. Tomorrow I'll sleep in - or today, rather, then I'll finally start catching up on all these fics and entries and the awesome stuff that happened last week. Yay weekend! ;P
First though, handwriting meme.
I got tagged by I-don't-know-how-many people, I'm too lazy to browse through all the entries, lol. No wait, I'm tired. No wait, LJ isn't working right now, yeah. Good excuse. Also I am posting this with the amazing powers of my thoughts alone, because LJ isn't working. So there.
Meme works like this:
Write the following by hand and take a picture!
1. Your username.
2. Your favourite band.
3. Draw a heart.
4. Your favourite person.
5. How are you today?
6. Tag 5 people.
There you go:
... and since I was very careful to write nice and orderly, have two pics. First my neat handwriting, then a pic of how I usually write. I can still read it, so... *shrugs* ;P
Fun fact: most people have difficulties guessing if my Mom or I wrote something when I write like on the second pic. Apart from little things like the curl at the "k" or the "g" without the upper ring, our handwriting looks very alike.