So, read this or miss out on the most awesomest, most fantasticest, most bestestest thing ever!
Because: remember that
entry a while back where I said I'd make Playmobil stories for people who wrote me fic? No? Well, I did. And
anivad wrote me one line for a Sylar/Zach prompt that made me go "guh" and also made me demand more.
This was the line:
"On your knees, Quinto," Sylar hissed into his ear, grabbing a trembling and terrified Zach close by his collar. "You know what to do."
GUH, right? It made me go "guh", anyways, and I demanded more. And then! magic happened.
anivad and
mount_seleya started writing a fic for me, no, not a fic! A novel! An epic, epic novel! So long! So epic! So awesome! It took them three weeks, during which I, with much delight, discovered a ton of new messages in my inbox almost every day, deleted them without looking and read them in the right order at the entry's comment page because seriously, LJ: letting them pop up newest to oldest? Spoiler much? Thanks a lot for that. Anyway. So they wrote this awesome Sylar/Zach/Chris story, which is dark and brutal and angsty and everything I wanted - no, more! More! Better! Bigger! Longer! Angstier! Awesomer! And I just finished reading it - after I found 90 new messages in my inbox, ninety, seriously, ILU, and now I'm writing this flailing entry and I'm totally rambling but whatever - it's already finished and edited and posted and everybody, EVERYBODY! Has to read it, right now.
But, you know. I prompted it. So there's angst and brutality and non-con in here, and blood and stuff. Fair warning? Whatever, you have to read it, it's awesome. And now flailing is over, go read right now and maaaaan almost 15.000 words and they are all for meeeeeeeeeeeee!
I love you bbs. So so much. Seriously. Wooooo! Also I now have over 350 comments on one of my entries, which is just awesome. ;P
Oh, and I almost forgot with all the squeeing and flailing and stuff:
NO ALTERNATIVE PART 1 IS HERE Totally deserves the big font, too. And all my flaily tags. LOOVE!