Memes... surprise?

Mar 24, 2011 10:54

I'm supposed to do some RL university stuff right now, so naturally I'm answering memes. *sigh* I am weak and easily distracted... ;P
To save space, and because I'm lazy, have two memes for the price of one entry.

First up:
Rock, Paper, Scissors, Spock, Merlin meme
These are the rules:

- Comment with "Paper. Scissors. Rock. Spock. Merlin." (or whatever)
- I'll respond by asking you five questions.
- Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
- Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

My questions were from medea_fic .

1) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
I'm pretty happy here, but with all the recent tv shows shot in New Zealand, I'm dreaming about this beautiful country. Additionally, Kiwi accent. Karl can be my tour guide, if he wants... Or an island somewhere where it's always warm, with a beach and palm trees and a hammock. And internet, obviously! ;P

2) Do you have any favourite sports? Or are you sport-averse?
Urgh. I hate doing sports, I'm lazy and I hate sweating. Favourite sport is probably basketball, my whole family on my father's side plays more-or-less professionally and I like the speed and excitement. Football/soccer is pretty cool, too, but kinda only when there's a Euro/World Cup, hee.

3) Of the fics you've written, which is your favourite and why?
Hmm. Difficult question... I usually avoid re-reading anything I've written, but somewhat less so with "Jim Kirk, coitus interrupter" and certain parts of Mirror!Pinto. JKCI is the second long fic I've written, and I'm kinda proud of how funny it is, lol. Mirror!Pinto... ahh, that verse is just too much fun to play with. But favourite fic? Until recently I'd have said this was a tie between JKCI, Mirror!Pinto part 2a - a.k.a. the first one I've written in this verse - and "Ghosts of the Past" - IK, IK, so sad, but I like it  - but right now probably the Stargate Atlantis thingie I found recently. I might type that and post it here, we'll see. Very angsty and sad - obviously, it's me lol - but I'm proud of it. Then again, that might be only because I thought "wait, I wrote this 2 years ago and it's pretty good, so obviously I was already an awesome writer back then and should get a book published and earn a million dollars" or something, lol.
Edit: okay, I re-read "Ghosts of the Past" and yeah, I'm gonna pick that one as my favourite. It was the hardest one to write so far and I'm very proud of it. Plus there's a lot of stuff in there that's influenced by RL stuff - which I didn't even notice before - so it's... close to my heart.

4) What do you keep in your bedroom?
I don't have a extra bedroom, I have one room with bed and desk and everything in it. So... bed and nightstand and tv and desk and four bookshelves - soon 5 - and two wardrobes and tons and tons of books and little knick-knacks standing around, like the crystal skull from Indie 4 and several Bastet figurines, lots of African figurines and a shitload of posters, postcards etc. So... pretty much everything!!! Except my DVD collection, I moved that to the living room because I didn't have enough space for my books, ha!

5) What's your favourite song at the moment?
"O Fortuna" from Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. But that has been my favourite song since I was like 12, so it doesn't really count. Um... I have three songs on repeat on my IPod, The Bosshoss' "Gay Bar", "Xerxes' Tent" from the 300 OST and Danko Jones' "Sticky Situation".
... but it's still "Oh Fortuna". I get goose bumps every time I hear it, even after 15 years.

So, like, do your shit in the comments and I'm gonna ask you questions! Intrusive questions, uncomfortable questions, awesome questions... *cackles*


Second meme: Tagging meme thing!

1. People who have been tagged must write the answers on their blog and replace any question they dislike with a new, original question.
2. Tag five people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.

I was tagged by leandralocke  and medea_fic .

1. Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up:
The Lord of the Rings DVDs, an apple, my cuddly monkey, one lone sock that escaped the dirty laundry basket and lies dejectedly on the floor, a candy sculpture of me.

2. Cake or pie? Coffee or Tea?
Tea. Which reminds me... brb. *later* Ahhh, Earl Grey. Eww coffee. ;P

3. Are you a morning person or a night person?
I hate mornings, mornings annoy me. I'm not looking forward to my next excavation, when I'll have to get up at 6a.m. again. *shudder*

4. Latest obsession?
Umm. A-Team movie slash. A-Team movie RPS - seriously. Liam Neeson and Bradley Cooper are so doing it, there's arms around waists and knee rubs and everything. They are like Pinto, and I think the four of them should meet and have awesome orgies. Re-reading all my favourite stories in all my fandoms. And crocheting, still. I think I'm gonna crochet myself a handbag next...

5. What do you hear right now?
The stupid workers downstairs who are building fuck knows what on the first floor and start at 7a.m. and I hate them. That and the 300 OST.

6. Who was the last person you hugged?
Hmm... my friend Gunnar, a former blacksmith. Felt like hugging a boulder.

7. What is/was for dinner?
Haven't had dinner yet, or lunch, or breakfast, but it's probably gonna be bread with tomato cream and cheese and cucumber and cherry tomatoes.

8. What did you do yesterday?
Slept, did some university stuff, read a shitload of fic, wrote some Mirror!Pinto, got annoyed, deleted it, wrote some more Mirror!Pinto, didn't like that either, wrote some A-Team fic, wrote some more Mirror!Pinto... and watched a ton of tv shows. Spartacus - hnngh Craig Parker, also lots of muscular men in tiny leather panties, HIMYM - Neil Patrick Harris!!!, Stargate Atlantis - Colonel Sheppard, also guns lol, some Heroes - naked!wet!Sylar. In short, ogled some pretty people and thought filthy thoughts about them. And wrote some fic, which I didn't like. Mirror!Pinto is going slooooow at the moment... *sigh*

9. What animal were you in a past life?
Probably a sloth. I need a LOT of sleep... ;P

10. What's the farthest you've ever traveled?

11. What was the last thing that you bought?
Um. Groceries. Oh! Sunglasses.

12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the universe, where would you go?
Pegasus galaxy. I wanna meet Col. Sheppard... ;P

13. Where do you see yourself in five years? What do you want to have achieved when you're old? What is your first childhood memory?
- answered that already in a different meme -
I'm sitting in a tub with my twin cousins, I'm about 3 years old. I have a floaty toy that looks like a swan and I'm biting its beak. ... funny, because about half a year later I got bit by a real swan, before my Grandma picked me up and ran away to rescue me from being bitten to death.

14. Favourite book?
Umberto Eco's "The Name of the Rose" and a shit load of other books. But I've read that one so many times, and still love it.

15. What are you doing this weekend?
Ergh. Meeting my Mom and probably get disapproving rants of how I don't play any instruments, don't sing in a choir, don't have a husband, have only archaeologist friends, waste my life... yadda yadda. And read lots of fic, hopefully write some fic, watch a lot of tv and sleeeeep.

16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play? If you could have any job you wanted, what would that be?
-answered that already in a different meme -
Master of the universe. Or maybe famous screen play writer in Hollywood. I'd write a shitload of slashy movies... ;P

17. Favorite color?
Yellow and black.

18. What are you doing tomorrow? Do you have any major plans for this year?
Getting a job as an archaeologist. Or getting a job, really.

19. What are you looking forward to the most?
Right now? Breakfast! ;P

I'm tagging... God, I need to tag people who haven't done this meme already, don't I? Which means I'd have to browse all your journals and look who posted this before. Damn. I'm too lazy for that... okay, I'll do it.
Later: Hooray! I'm tagging the following people: anivad , infiniterider , mindor , nevadafighter , pomme_noir . Have fun bbs!

BTW, the next entry will be fic. A-Team/Star Trek crossover fic, be afraid, be very afraid. Need to do that university stuff first though, so patience, young padawan, patience.

ze german is lazy, meme, ze german is procrastinating

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