Dec 22, 2011 19:27
A funny subject--to say "I'm proud of my kids" as though it's something new or special.
Of course I'm proud of my kids, I'm always proud of my kids; all day, every day. I've got great kids and they are certainly people who inspire me to be better.
That said, I'm particularly proud of Emma this week. She has been growing her hair out, very long, for a little over a year. On Monday, she announced that it is finally long enough to cut. She cut off 12 inches of lovely golden brown hair to donate to Kids with Cancer to be made into a wig for a child in need.
The part that makes me proud is how matter of fact she is about it all--as though it's no big deal. I guess, in a way, it is no big deal. The stuff just sorta grows there; and it's not like she has to "grow it" in the sense of, it somehow, requiring effort or concentration to accomplish. It is however a big deal because it's all her--she just decided one day, on her own, that this is what she was going to do. She saw something or heard something and was inspired to give of herself, to a stranger, with no thought of gain or even recognition.