Binary Means Two - Fanmix

Sep 09, 2008 19:59

Okay, I put this together ages ago while I was writing so I figured I'd let the world see. It's my first fanmix and I think I've figured out this whole file uploading thing... whatever, gimme a poke if you can't get ahold of it. The link is down at the bottom underneath all my blathering.

This was kind of the song that started it all. It's a very fighty, romance, frustration, song and it just put me in a place where two people who seemingly liked each other, maybe even fell in love with each other started to drift apart when they started changing. It was very Cain and Ambrose when I heard it.

It's Beginning to Get to Me - Snow Patrol

And it's beginning to get to me
That I know more of the stars and sea
Than I do of what's in your head
Barely touching in our cold bed

Are you beginning to get my point
They're always fighting with aching joints
It's doing nothing but tire us out
And no one knows what this fights about

Okay, for those that didn't know. Cain's a cowboy and therefore gets country music associated with him all the time in my head. This song stuck as another relationship coming apart song only from awesome cowboy Cain POV. Imagine it, Cain, a horse, throw in a campfire and a guitar. I'm getting shivers people.

Wild West Show - Big & Rich

Yeah, it was a big showdown,
Oh yeah, we stood our ground.
Shot out the lights:
It got a little crazy.
I don't wanna see us go,
The way of the buffalo:
Don't wanna have another wild west show.

Right here is Ambrose yelling at Cain in the library. (Oh, it's like clue isn't it?) This is the 'Ambrose is scared and screwing up relationship's song. In my head Ambrose is very vulnerable but at the same time incredibly stubborn. He's running on full logic when he just needs a second to sit down and remember that's he's incredibly bjorked and probably needs a hug.

Someone Must get Hurt - She Wants Revenge

Well, someone must get hurt and it won't be me
The decision is in, there will be no fight
It might sound cold but I know its right
Cause someone must get hurt and it won't be me

Heee this is Glitch's 'I'm gonna be friends with my other half even, if it kills me' song. This is his theme song every time he prods Ambrose into doing something social or when they were building the watch.

We're Going to be Friends - The White Stripes

Tonight I'll dream while I'm in bed
when silly thoughts go through my head
about the bugs and alphabet
and when I wake tomorrow I'll bet
that you and I will walk together again
cause I can tell that we're going to be friends

Cain's freaking theme song! This plays the whole time he's off in the wilderness, manning it up and wrestling bears, having his spirit journey before the great spirit of the O.Z. tells him to stop being a painbow and go shag the advisor.

Victory March - The Vigours

Think of how our fortunes change

think of how they stay the same

I walk the streets to find my heart again

walk the streets to find my heart again

I found the world that you were livin' in

This is Ambrose's 'Oh crap I love him and I screwed up song'. Otherwise known as 'A brain in a jar does have a heart'. Pretty much Ambrose is like 'I HAS NUMBERZ!' and Glitch is like 'Love isn't numbers, is true fax'.

The Scientist - Coldplay

I was just guessing at numbers and figures
Pulling your puzzles apart
Questions of science, science and progress
Do not speak as loud as my heart

There is a part in a chapter four or five where Cain returns and is standing outside of Ambrose's workshop door. In a much longer edited paragraph he remembers the bits of things he used to do with Glitch before Ambrose came onto the scene and Vader'd it all up. In that bit he's actually contemplating leaving and moving on before I was like 'Nuh uh, tin man, get back here'. So it got shortened and changed but this song stayed in my head. 'Sides, CAKE is an awesome band.

Walk on By - CAKE

Yeah, walk on by,
The room where you still sleep,
Walk on by,
The company that you keep

Glitch owns this song. This is his 'secret crush' song. Where he is really, really enamored with Cain but he doesn't want to tell Ambrose and get him all pissy. This is the song that plays while he daydreams when Ambrose is having a workaholic speed run. I think it also features when they're (spoiler!) kissing in Ambrose's work shop with the star lantern on.

Blue Eyes - Cary Brothers

Cause Blue Eyes
You’re the secret I keep
Cause Blue Eyes
All the lights on and you are alive
But you can't point the way to your heart
So sublime, when the stars are aligned
But you don't know
You don't know the greatness you are

The 'OMG they finally got their crap together' song. I ganked this song from a fan mix who ganked it from a Doctor Who fan mix and really, it's a perfect song. It's one of those songs that you know if it's playing at the end of the movie, then things have worked out.

The Fear you Won't Fall - Joshua Radin

And I know it's easy to say but it's harder to feel
This way
And I miss you more than I should
Than I thought I could
Can't get my mind off of you
I know you're scared that I'll soon be over it
That's part of it all
Part of the beauty of falling in love with you is the fear you won't fall
It hasn't felt like this before
It hasn't felt like home before you

Bonus Jeb and Tip song! I really have no idea how Tip found her way into this story. Cain needed a mapmaker and all of a sudden boom. There she was in all her chatty, fangirl glory, just hanging off of Jeb. Jeb made faces, then ultimately decided he could live with it. Their relationship has an entirely other storyline that I will probably never write, but here's the song.

Whistle for the Choir - The Fratellis

So if you're lonely why'd you say you're not lonely
Oh you're a silly girl, I know I hurt it so
It's just like you to come
And go you know me no you don't even know me
You're so sweet to try, oh my, you caught my eye
A girl like you is just irresistible


binary means two, fanmix

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