Adopt, 3 of 10

Mar 23, 2011 13:03

Title: Adopt, 3 of 10
Fourth part of: Abe Verse
Author: ameonna1
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Gabriel/Sam, Castiel/Dean, OC's
Word Count: 500
Things to Know: AU, Minor language, fledgling fic, not mpreg, past injuries, loss of a partner, mentions of abuse
A/N: Woo! Posting, finally, this may be the last story. My brain hasn't done any thinking past this. Blame Tron. But I had to tie up Luc's story before all was said and done.

Summary: Sam was pretty sure there was stuff you had to do before you have kids.

Sam’s half asleep that night but Gabriel won’t stop moving. He knows Gabriel doesn’t really have to sleep but the angel always spends a couple of hours curled around Sam before he gets restless.

Usually he stays still though.

With a sigh Sam rolls over onto his back and waits for the crush of Gabriel, wings and all to settle over him. Once he does Sam slides his hands up Gabriel’s back and tugs just under his wings, digging his fingers under the feathers until the angel moans and tucks his face under Sam’s chin as he goes boneless.

“So it’s it Cas or Luc?” Sam murmurs as he eases under the warmth.

“Both. No. Luc.” Gabriel growls. “I don’t see why he has to stay in that creaky dump when we have a perfectly good nest here.”

Sam smiles against the top of Gabriel’s head as he drags his fingers through Gabe’s feathers, “We’ve had this conversation. You are talking about an angel that got raised as a human, and not very well. He’s not sure what he’s supposed to be doing and the people that ‘helped’ him before were either assholes or they didn’t know what he needed.”

“We know what he needs,” Gabriel breathes against the side of Sam’s neck and he can feel the hurt, the helplessness, buzzing around Gabriel.

“I know,” Sam says as he tilts his angel’s head up to kiss him.

The week after that is a blur. An honest to God dragon showed up in Central Park, summoned by a jilted warlock that couldn’t control it. It started burrowing into skyscrapers and stealing virgins, the media scene was so huge that all available hunters had to go after it. Which included Sam and Gabriel.

Gabriel got on the news when they finally killed the thing and Sam has been listening to him be insufferably smug about it for the last three hours since they got home. Dean and Cas are rolling their eyes as Gabriel tells the story again but Abe is all giggles and keeps shouting ‘Duggin!’ and flapping his wings.

Sam is halfway to the peace and relaxation of the shower when his phone goes off. He groans and goes back to dig it out of the pile of sheets he just threw it in.

“Hey Luc!” Sam greets after he checks the caller ID.

For a moment it’s quiet on the other end, just the sound of breathing, and Sam swallows as the hairs rise on the back of his neck.


“Sam?” Luc sounds terrified and he’s whispering.

“What’s going on? Where are you?” Sam’s already out of the bedroom and down the hall as Luc takes in a shuddering breath.

“There’s... There’s people here. I think... They aren’t human. Sam, one cut me. I tried to fly away and it...”

“Just tell me where you are, Luc.” Sam closes his eyes as he hears the living room fall silent.


Part Four

dean/castiel, supernatural, abe verse, rating: pg-13, sam/gabriel, adopt

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