Mate, 10 of 10

Feb 23, 2011 14:05

Title: Mate, 10 of 10
Third Part of: Abe Verse
Author: ameonna1
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Gabriel/Sam, Castiel/Dean
Word Count: 500
Things to Know: AU, language, violence.
A/N: Done! The last story and possibly some timestamps to be arriving on this journal March 14th.

Summary: Sam’s dealt with his problems fine on his own. He just can’t seem to make Gabriel understand that.

Sam surprises the Hunter Council when he informs them that he’s working with a partner. He gets a couple of sly looks and flattering smiles until he tells them his partner’s designation is ‘angel’.

They keep him in limbo for awhile, saying that since his partner isn’t sanctioned he wasn’t allowed to be given any hunts. Dean just rolled his eyes and told Sam to go kill a fucking vampire in Syracuse.

This lasts for two weeks until Sam gets so frustrated at the run around that Gabriel goes out to the compound in DC. Sam still doesn’t know what he said to the Council but all his paperwork comes over the net an hour later with all the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted.

Sam looked over to where Gabriel was playing with Abe on the couch and figures that whatever he’s gotten himself into has got to be worth it.

Gabriel builds an addition onto the house.

Dean bitches about the noise every chance he gets but he smiles more. They all smile more. They’re all figuring out how they fit together. He and Dean still disagree about things, they still argue, but it doesn’t feel like every word is going to be the one that breaks it all apart again.

They’re getting it. Dean researches, Sam hunts, and their angels are never far behind them.

Gabriel builds Sam a permanent nest, a proper angelic nest that Dean complains is just a hole in the floor with pillows in it. Sam ignores his brother, he loves the nest, he loves Gabriel. Just not all the time.

“Come on, try again.”

Sam groans into the pillows he’s wrapped around and huffs as Gabriel prods him into a sitting position. Somewhere along the line Gabriel thought it would be a good idea to work on his powers again. Even though Sam said they were gone, the angel refuses to believe him.

So now he’s sitting in their nest, frowning, trying to catch one of Abe’s bouncy balls with his mind. It’s hard and stupid and he doesn’t know why Gabriel just hasn’t given up on him already.

He can hear the TV out in the living room, Gabriel brought back a bunch of Disney movies after last night’s hunt and Abe was mesmerized by Peter Pan. He can hear Cas and Dean making dinner and he just wants to lie down and...

“One more time,” Gabe says, “One more time and I will do wonderful filthy things to you.”

That gets Sam’s attention. He swallows and waits. The ball arcs perfectly off Gabriel’s fingers and Sam only has to do this once. He tries to remember what it was like, before Ruby, before the blood, before everything went to shit...

When he was home.

He feels it. A flicker of wholeness. The ball stops on it way back down and hangs in mid-air before Gabriel tackles him into the nest with a shout of triumph.

Sam’s missed home.


dean/castiel, supernatural, mate, abe verse, sam/gabriel, rating: pg

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