Mate, 1 of 10

Feb 14, 2011 12:15

Title: Mate, 1 of 10
Third Part of: Abe Verse
Author: ameonna1
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Gabriel/Sam, Castiel/Dean
Word Count: 500
Things to Know: AU, Minor language, violence, disturbing demony stuff.

Summary: Sam’s dealt with his problems fine on his own. He just can’t seem to make Gabriel understand that.


The smell of blood is thick and cloying. Sam wants to lap it up, keen like an animal. The figure on the ground in front of him is still struggling. Sweet jerky movements that make his stomach tighten and his bones ache. He wants, so badly, but he doesn’t know what he wants. More blood, more screaming, more, more, more.

He raises his arm, the aluminum bat singing in the air. The air around him is coiled with power, his power, all his. Nothing holding him back, not Dad, not...

The figure sobs in front of him, “Sammy, please...”

Sam jerks out of his nightmare in an instant and is running to the bathroom. Dinner comes up, along with the whiskey he used to get to sleep. He doesn’t stop throwing up until his throat burns and he can’t see through the tears in his eyes. Fuck.

He doesn’t know how long he spends shaking over the toilet in this godawful motel room when he hears a soft voice call his name.

Gabriel is standing in the doorway of the bathroom, his eyes wide and concerned. Fuck.

Sam closes his eyes as he hears the water run and then the angel, an angel, is tugging him up, wiping his face clean with a damp towel and smoothing his hair out of his eyes.

“Nightmare?” Gabriel asks and Sam just nods, swallows.

Gabriel knows he doesn’t want to talk about it. He won’t pry and Sam is so grateful for that. He’s always grateful when Gabriel shows up to check on him. Dean doesn’t know he’s doing it, he made that clear when Sam asked. Sam doesn’t think he can stand knowing his brother is keeping tabs on him anymore.

But Gabriel is always there to help. Doesn’t matter if it’s research or a nest of vampires or well... this. The angel pulls him to his feet and drags him back to bed, flipping off the bathroom light as he goes. He tucks Sam in and makes a questioning noise.

Sam’s answer is to wrap his fingers around Gabriel’s wrist and pull.

Gabriel laughs but climbs all over him before he settles in bed, laying across Sam like a cat and burying his nose in the back of Sam’s neck.

It’s ridiculously affectionate and Sam has spent the last month just soaking it up. He’d done enough reading that when Dean called complaining that the angels were touching him he’d just laughed. Of course they were, they were tactile creatures and once you’d done something welcoming, like letting them live with you for example they counted you as an ally.

Something worthy of attention.

Sam’s not sure how he ended up in that category. Whether it’s just by virtue of being Dean’s brother or simply the fact that he never kicked Gabriel out when he showed up, but well, the archangel is pretty grabby hands whenever he’s around.

Not that Sam minds, even a little bit.

Part Two

rating: r, supernatural, mate, abe verse, sam/gabriel

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