Flock, 3 of 10

Jan 12, 2011 11:23

Title: Flock, 3 of 10
Second part of: Abe Verse
Author: ameonna1
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Castiel/Dean, Eventually Gabriel/Sam
Word Count: 500
Things to Know: AU, Minor language, fledgling fic, not mpreg, past injuries, loss of a partner.

Summary: Dean’s adjusting to living with angels. Now if only he could get Cas out of his bed and off his mind.

Dean waits until Gabriel is out on the porch puttering around again with his bits of wood to go bother Cas.

Abe is passed out in the playpen in a total sugar coma. Gabriel found some cupcake place that made the things the size of Abe’s head and brought back a dozen. Which resulted in pink frosting everywhere. Dean swears Gabe is just as bad as the baby. Next time he’s gonna make them put down a tarp in the kitchen.

Cas is sitting on the arm of the couch, peering down at Abe, his hand is dangling in the playpen rubbing his wings. Dean isn’t sure how he should play this.

“Hey Cas,” he goes for nonchalant and tries to jam any surface thoughts he has far away from where they might be heard.

He takes the wide stare as acknowledgement that he’s at least being paid attention to and just lets his mouth run with it. “Gabe said you were an archivist. I am assuming this involves books right?”

Castiel blinks but eventually nods, and to Dean’s surprise says something, “That is the most general description.”

“Excellent,” Dean grins and Castiel has the sense to look worried. “Cause I’ve got a library but I’ve haven’t been really able to organize it since Abe showed up and I figure if you’re not too busy it would really be doing me a favor.”

Cas spends the next couple of seconds blinking before he frowns, “You have a library?”

“Yeah,” Dean says, snagging the corner of the playpen and wheeling it down the hallway after him so Cas doesn’t have a choice to not follow. “I mean it’s probably not as big as you’re used to...”

Dean opens the door at the end of the hall and steps aside. Okay, he was maybe stretching the truth when he said it was a library. What it actually happened to be was a storage room full of every old ass resource the other Hunters could give him. Books, manuscripts, scrolls, maps.

Dean also was sort of lying when he said he hadn’t organized it in a while. Dean had opened the door once before he’d chuckled and never opened it again.

“So,” Dean nods, “There’s that.”

“I could... I mean... I... I can see about doing something.” Castiel stammers.

“Awesome, man. Thanks.” Dean scurries off before anymore questions are asked.

He really doesn’t want to confess that he just wants to keep Cas busy. I mean, it sort of worked for his dad and him.

He’s at his desk sorting out the reports Bobby sent him to edit when Gabriel walks in and stops in the middle of the living room, staring at the spot where Cas usually is.

“He’s in the back room,” Dean says looking over his glasses.

Gabriel gives him a strange look but makes his way down the hall. He can hear them quietly talking. He thinks it’s the most Cas had said since he got here.

Part Four

dean/castiel, gabriel, supernatural, abe verse, oc's, flock, rating: pg

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