Aerie, 9 of 10

Dec 22, 2010 12:56

Title: Aerie, 9 of 10
Author: ameonna1
Rating (This part): PG
Characters/Pairings: Eventually Castiel/Dean, Gabriel, Sam
Word Count: 500
Things to Know: AU, Minor language, fledgling fic, not mpreg, past injuries. This is a totally fluffy, little bit angsty, adorable baby with wings, and Dean with glasses extravaganza.
A/N: This is what I write in between staring at Blessed XD. The story is finished and I’ll be posting chapters until the end of December.
Summary: Dean runs an information hub for Hunters after a permanent injury takes him out of the game. It’s pretty peaceful until an angel gets dropped into his lap.

When Dean looks back on what happened that day he’s going to have to tuck this somewhere in the top ten of the weirdest shit that’s ever happened to him.

He’s in the middle of a decision between running for the panic room or trying to fight with whatever the hell he has on hand and wondering why the hell the wards were doing nothing when he takes in the guy in front of him. He’s average looking, in a rumpled suit and trench coat. His hair is dark, messy but then Dean sees his eyes. Blue, like Abdiel.

Dean has this epiphany about half a second before he realizes that the room feels like all the air has been sucked out of it and is about to collapse. Some tiny animal part of Dean’s brain is screaming at him to run but he’s frozen because this thing is not human and is going to tear him apart.

Then Abe whimpers. It’s a soft noise but all of a sudden all of the awe and power just drain out of the guy and his face just crumples as he breathes out, “Abdiel...”

In direct response to his sense of self preservation Dean lets this stranger, except Dean knows he isn’t one, take Abe from him and gather him to his chest.

Which is how Dean Winchester ends up with an angel sitting on his kitchen floor, sobbing in relief as he rocks Abe back and forth who is making confused happy noises and getting peanut butter in the guys hair.

Dean will give it a seven on the weird shit meter. But that’s only because number eight is about to show up.

Dean gets half a second to blink before another guy pops into his living room and he’s gonna have to lay down some rules about that. Only this guy has two pairs of golden wings on his back and Dean suddenly remembers his dreams for the last two weeks. The feeling of hopelessness as people he didn’t know worked their way towards him.

The dude’s wearing jeans and a jacket and in an instant is hovering over trench coat speaking, fuck, Enochian.

He lets this go on for about two minutes before he clears his throat.

Wings looks up with golden eyes that are a little bit teary before he has the great sense to look apologetic. His English is hesitant and he has an accent when he speaks. “Sorry, I didn’t get a chance to tell him to knock.”

“Him?” Dean asks because all the adrenaline from ‘holy shit there’s a guy in my house‘ is starting to taper off and he kind of wants to sit on the floor himself.

The angel salutes him, “I am Gabriel of the First Garrison and this is my brother Castiel of the Silver Tower. We have been searching Earth for Castiel’s nestling after he was lost during an attack on our city.”

That answers that.

Part Ten

dean/castiel, gabriel, supernatural, abe verse, oc's, aerie, rating: pg

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