mayonaka no shadow boy

Nov 15, 2008 14:56


im soo LSS [last song syndrome: it's like the last song that is stuck in your head] on mayonaka no shadow boy!! it's a song sung by hey! say! jump! its soo good, and speaking of good i just have watched its MV and its so totally rocks[for me]!! its so shadowish!! haha!

it's hey! say! jump! 4th single and its the theme song for "scrap teacher"

the drama of ryosuke, yuto, yuuri and daiki.

in the song i think ryosuke is the lead because he is the one who is almost singing the lines, and the ending of the music video was so cool, there were three guys who are wearing a black dress thingy with a hood[it's like an evil suit!] then i think they're after ryosuke, then when ryosuke heard saw the door was being opened he smiled, then when the three guys who are like wearing an evil suit opened the door ryosuke wasn't there, it's like he disappeared so fast! haha! maybe you can't understand me. just try watching it and maybe we'll understand each other.haha!

oh yeah! by the way if you want to watch its MV you can watch it on my youtube area on the side bar over there =======>>>

well that's all


yamada ryosuke, hey say jump, nakajima yuto, chinen yuuri, arioka daiki

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