Sugar we're going down swingin...

Jun 21, 2005 16:19

So mom's got this new boyfriend guy named Carl. He's really cool, I think I like him out of the rest. He's got a 16 year old son, so I think he can relate to kids. He was over sunday night untill around 12 30 and I asked him to play DDR, and he did, no questions asked. I thought that was really awesome. Usually, the past times that I've asked mom's boyfriends to play, they say no, untill I give them the look (you have to be nice to me or it'll be hell dating my mom.) He picked me up from Jessi's today and we had a nice little chat.

I walked up to see David at work sunday evening. I'm not allowed to walk anywhere by myself anymore, cause I almost got "abducted" walking home. It was more of this 40 year old guy following me for 5 minutes, then pulling over and telling me to get in his car. Mom called the cops when I was laughing about it. She flipped out about it, but nothing happened, so I was trying not to smile when I told the cops a description and what happened.

I'm okay with being emo, because the only person who would make fun of me is digging the same stuff I am. (Jessi)

Loaded God complex, cock it and pull it.
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