Alright, I've decided. I'm moving shop over to
skogul. I've already fleshed it out and added who I feel I want to have on my friends list for now.
Some people might want to know the method to this madness of mine, so here's my official "why is Azya changing her LJ/SN FAQ":
Why am I doing this?
Because I feel it's time to move on. I love my amenonuhoko name and what it means (google it, lol), but I didn't like the length of it and the complextity. It was hard to type and I didn't feel like having people butcher it and such all the time.
Also, there's some bad juju around it because I spent a while trolling on this account so there are those who might still try and stir up some poop stew with me over the past. I'd rather put that behind me and move on.
That's basically it. :3 I'm going to try and make this the last LJ switch I make. As for AIM SNs... well... maybe it'll be the last of those too, I dunno. We'll see.