My apologies for accidentally wiping out my entire friends list. Brother Randall brought over a vat of coffee for our New Year's Eve celebration and it was not the usual cheap coffee from the big red can but some expensive doubly-caffeinated blend from Starbucks. As a result I spent New Year's Day with the worst coffee hangover in the history of Christendom.
It was in this state that I was attempting to make a fresh start by "unbanning" everyone I had banned before my incarceration and even though I knew I had banned a lot of abusive LJers I was admittedly surprised to find over a hundred on my banned list.
However thanks to a comment tonight by
Lady Firebird I learned much to my disquietude that I had instead checked the "delete" boxes of everyone on my friends list and as such have subsequently spent the past hour restoring the list one name at a time.
No amens this time as I am too busy reevaluating my love affair with this hot black seductress...