"Here Comes The Son"

Jun 14, 2001 12:40

A neighbor lady with whom neither myself nor my staff have a good rapport sarcastically referred today to the four of us as "the Beatles of paranoid Christian reconstructionism" and even though none of us think of ourselves as paranoid or reconstructionists and we are not fans of the LSD-laced experimental "music" of the boys from Liverpool I was however quite amused at the comparison. Amen.

So we took a break this afternoon from trying to restock the copy machine and discussed which of the Beatles each of us resembles as well as of course which of the four Gospel writers each of our personalities fit.

We decided that being the most attractive Sister Rachel was George as he was in the earliest days referred to as the "cute one" and that if she had written one of the Gospels it would have been Mark. Amen.

Sister Sara was matched with Paul as she is the most creative and outgoing and had before her conversion to Christianity a severe addiction to marijuana and was compared also to the Gospel writer Matthew. Amen.

Being something of a special case as he is older and a bit standoffish and not an entirely pleasant fellow we were forced to tag Brother Randall with both Ringo the drummer and Luke the physician.

And naturally I was compared to John as I have of course always been the moody sensitive one. Amen!
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