Jan 08, 2007 23:02
Once again I am sick. Once again I am not just sick I am stupidly sick. Right now my everything is hurting. I am in so much pain that when my eyes started to water because I was hurting so much, my eyes were stinging. I hate being sick. The blanket that I have wrapped around me is hurting me a little just by touching me. It is a fleece blanket. I had better not still be sick tomorrow. I am so sick right now Wes is threatening to take me to the crazy Croatian man (aka my doctor). I hate doctors only slightly more then I hate being sick.
The worst part about being sick today is that I am also feeling depressed and my thoughts are all fucked up and I am finding it hard to tell realty from the bad thoughts. Maybe I will go to the doctor tomorrow. Damn I hate being all fucked up like this