Sep 02, 2005 00:57
Tallahassee, I heart<3 y0u!
F0r the first time, I am c0mpletely satisfied where I am, and with what I am d0ing. F0r 0nce I d0n't have this urge t0 drive h0me every weekend, and disregard the maj0rity 0f the pe0ple here. My r00mates are w0nderful, I finally picked a min0r and p0ssibly a new maj0r. I am g0ing t0 kick s0me ass in my classes and st0p my pr0crastinati0n shit. I have met t0ns 0f pe0ple each day and have had s0me fun fun times already. My gyming is back in sessi0n. Happy. That is ultimately my g0al. I really can't even say where all 0f this m0tivati0n sprung fr0m, but I am very pleased with the idea. The 0nly thing I am lacking is sleep. Next weekend in St. Pete will be interesting...J0rdan's birthday...same pe0ple, different arrangements, funny h0w things happen, but then again, yeha, it is pretty funny. And the best part is h0w the drive al0ne will c0st a g00d $80.00. L0VE IT!