Рукопись Войнича - манипуляция символами и женщинами, магия абсурда
Рукопись Войнича - инструмент манипуляции символами и женщинами, бессовестная мистификация, магия абсурда и источник больших заработков придворных специалистов.
Бедные-бедные богатые женщины не допускались к наукам того времени (образованию в области астрологии, хиромантии, медицинской магии) и вынуждены были непрерывно рожать. Единственным развлечением для них стала белая магия. Они собирались в замках и предсказывали друг другу судьбу. Но без образования в этой области дамы подвергались манипуляциям.
Манускрипт Войнича был для этого и создан как идеальная гадальная книга.
Их было даже несколько (этих самых манускриптов) - по одному экземпляру на каждый родовой замок.
Дошедший до нас вариант рукописи является компиляцией остатков нескольких вариантов Манускрипта Войнича. На это указывает наличие дубликатов астрологических круговых диаграмм для апреля и мая. Дубликаты не являются парными диаграммами: иначе они были бы расположены на одной странице, как некоторые другие диаграммы, и были бы выполнены в одном стиле. Эти дубликаты заполнены неповторяющейся чушью, бессмысленным подобием слов, не имеющих смысла.
Манускрипты Войнича писались быстро и стохастично группой придворных дельцов. Затем они были подарены герцогиням как якобы "древние магические всесильные раритеты" для проведения в замках сеансов белой магии. Во время сеансов смотивированные жертвы получали рецепты, стихи, советы и прочие услуги от придворных специалистов, разумеется, не бесплатно.
Манускрипты окупились очень быстро. Эта практика продолжалась несколько десятилетий. Затем аугсбургский врач Карл Видеманн выкупил остатки манускриптов, собрал их воедино, переплёл и очень выгодно продал получившуюся псевдокнижку.
И этот так называемый Манускрипт Войнича до сих пор туманит мозги миллионам людей и приносит немалую прибыль.
Это один из самых удачных долгоиграющих бизнес-проектов.
На приложенной картинке - прототип Манускрипта Войнича, вдохновивший Йоханнеса Хартлиба и компанию на создание этой спекулятивной манипуляции.
Доказательства тут:
https://yuppie-blues.de GENERALIZATION. The Voynich Manuscript(s) - the magic of hoax. (
1. The Voynich Manuscript was written by at least 5 people. These were either the authors themselves, or scribes from the monastery artel, carrying out the orders of the authors based on their sketches. The manuscript was written for a specific commercial purpose, as parchment was very expensive at the time and was purchased for the project as a worthwhile investment. I believe that this is an ingenious imitation of a fortune-telling book, used for predictions and diagnoses in order to attract wealthy clients to pharmacies and medical institutions. The manuscript was used in white magic sessions in high society.
2. Centers of events - Augsburg, Munich, Prague - the inner circle of Duke Albrecht III of Bavaria-Munich and of Emperor Sigismund I of Luxembourg.
3. Group of putative collective authors: Kaspar Bernauer, Johannes Hartlieb, Jacob Pueterich von Reichertshausen, Abraham von Worms, Sigmund Gotzkircher and from two to eight more specialists in the field of balneology, herbal medicine, pharmacology, gynecology, astrology, cryptography, cosmology and white magic.
4. Jakob Puetherich von Reichertshausen (1400-1469) was one of the most trusted advisors of Duke Albrecht III, whom Jakob Puetherich von Reichertshausen also served as an accomplished diplomat, and it was most likely he who wrote the Voynich Manuscript along te with Dr. Hartlieb and company.
5. The group developed an imitation font and created the Voynich Manuscript for white magic sessions in order to attract clients to pharmacies, medicinal baths, clinics, etc.
6. There are three candidates for the prototype castle from the Voynich Manuscript: Blutenburg Castle, Nannhofen Castle and Pasing Castle (Wasserschloss Blutenburg, Wasserschloss Nannhofen und Wasserschloss Pasing). It was in these castles that white magic sessions using the Voynich Manuscript were held.
7. There could be several copies of the Voynich Manuscript, and they differed from each other. Perhaps several fragments from different versions of the manuscript survived, and then they were put together.
8. One of the copies was presented to Anna of Brunswick (Anna von Braunschweig-Grubenhagen) and then went to Emperor Rudolph II. Or maybe Emperor Rudolf II owned another copy of the manuscript from the library of his predecessors - Emperor Sigismund I of Luxembourg and intermediate successors. The third version is that Karl Widemann bought several fragments of the manuscript from the descendants of its creators and then sold or donated them to Emperor Rudolf II.
9. The Voynich manuscripts are a purely commercial project on which people have been making money for 600 years in a row. It is a hoax written by a group of doctors, astrologers, balneologists, diplomats, advisers, poets, writers, magicians, philosophers and alchemists from the inner circle of Duke Albrecht III of Bavaria-Munich and Emperor Sigismund I of Luxembourg for sessions of white magic, in which the authors of the manuscripts (and there were from 5 to 12 noticeably different unbound copies) were selling their recipes, advices and services. Sessions of white magic were often conducted by duchesses (who were fond of the occult sciences) in their castles, and the doctors wrote out prescriptions for the participants in the sessions, who were mainly women from noble and wealthy families. Therefore, the Voynich manuscripts were aimed primarily at women.
10. During such a session of white magic, the leading duchess or countess could predict anything from the gobbledygook of the Voynich Manuscript. Other women believed her because they were fascinated by the mysterious manuscript. To achieve the predicted "happiness", ladies were recommended to pay a highly qualified specialist to either improve their health, or receive a verse of happiness from a poet, or contact an adviser, or draw up a personal horoscope, or use an alchemical remedy, etc. It was cool!
11. In the 15th century in Upper Bavaria, something unusual was happening in high circles. The unfortunate medieval Bavarian duchesses were forced to annually bring an heir to the duke, turning into a "maternity machine". Their life could have become unbearable if not for one circumstance. The court physician Johannes Hartlieb, together with other court specialists, developed a commercial project aimed at women from high society - a series of "Voynich Manuscripts" - sophisticated hoaxes. These manuscripts did not use a cipher, but an imitation of a cipher, and the five pieces of the extant manuscript differ from each other lexically, and this clearly indicates that there were several manuscripts, and they were used as a sales tool. Lacking sufficient education in the field of astrology, alchemy and medicine, the duchesses nevertheless became interested in sessions of white magic, for which strange manuscripts were ideally suited. For ladies it was great entertainment, and for court doctors, balneologists, herbalists, advisers, writers and poets it was a source of good income. The duchesses, who conducted sessions of white magic in various Bavarian castles, predicted the fate of the ladies and gave recommendations on how to achieve "happiness", and the doctors and other specialists, for an appropriate fee, wrote out prescriptions and referrals, gave advices, composed "magic" poems, compiled individual horoscopes, etc. And now, 600 years after it was written, the Voynich Manuscript continues to bring income for scientists, publishers, filmmakers, bloggers, etc. I have identified the circle of possible authors of the Voynich Manuscript and its "victims". In the near future I will find evidence of the correctness of my theory. It is a pity that many castles and documents no longer exist.
12. Evidences: A. 5 fragments of the Voynich Manuscript were written by 5 different people (Lisa Fagin Davis (2022, 2023)). They differ syntactically and stylistically and very likely belong to five different versions of the Voynich Manuscript. B. 2 duplicates of circular diagrams "Aberil" and "May" (f70v1 vs f71r and f72r1 vs f71v) were made by 2 different people. They differ syntactically and stylistically and very likely belong to two different versions of the Voynich Manuscript. What is the point of duplicating diagrams within one version of the manuscript? If these were paired diagrams that complement each other, then these paired diagrams would be on the same page and would be executed in the same style. The sheet f71r/f71v belonged to another version of the Voynich Manuscript. These manuscripts were a tool for manipulating symbols and women. C. Education in the field of magic (in particular astrology and medical magic) was the prerogative of men. Therefore, they "helped" noble ladies conduct white magic sessions. The Voynich Manuscripts gave these sessions a special charm, "possessing" a kind of magical power. Other books were also used, such as "Chiromantie" by Johannes Hartlieb, brought as gifts to duchesses.