Nov 24, 2005 18:48
I just got my report card.
There's something that's always been confusing me. u_u If an 80+ is an A over here, doesn't that just mean Canadians mark easier? I mean, if someone got an 8/10 on a quiz in America, they would die in shame. If it's in Canada, they'd shrug it off. Or would the standards for getting an 8/10 be pushed lower in the US?
By Canadian standards, I got straight As. In the US, would that mean I got mostly Bs and a few Cs and like, one A? Does that mean, by American standards, I didn't do very well? Does that also mean that the highest average in my school is well short of an A+?
And then, there are a few of you Americans out there who come out with 92s and then say that you're crap. Umm. Okay. D: