Aug 28, 2004 11:59
college = lots of reading & no calculator.
my arithmetic blows and im having the hardest time in calculus. it really sucks. i can solve indefinite integrals when but they ask me to solve definite integrals... i die. why must fractions and irrational numbers hate me so much. :(
oh well. today is saturday and i have a nice day of reading ahead of me. frankly, everyday is filled with reading but most of the time i just don't do it. i just finished reading a part of mein kampf. wooohooo for hitler? it was actually interesting. but now im reading a boring section about race. blah blah blah. i actually enjoy my holocaust class & the reading. i have always been fascinated by the holocaust. yes, i understand it is a crazy thing to be fascinated by the holocaust. perhaps i should get more hobbies...
yesterday, there was a huge party at cardinal gardens in the courtyard. luckily, we were going to bed when the party started and we live by the courtyard. there were so many ghetto african americans to count. i dont think i even saw one white person.. okay, so maybe one.. and im sure he/she was just being a poser. it was loud but no one was doing anything. everyone was just standing around.. wow - what a great party?
woohoo.. now the football players above us are blasting their rap music... arrrrr.
usc is hard. or maybe college in general is just hard.
taylor, chyan, & i are going to the grocery store to buy stuff... i get to return my 90 dollars worth of radioshack shit. they charge so much. i also need to buy stamps and make a copy of my drivers license so then i can vote! bush is going down!
well we're heading out...