(no subject)

Nov 11, 2003 13:02

birthday came and went without incident. spent with trigaria and linaeloisetook who is still here [squee!] - she drew me chibi lupin and snape yesterday, they are so adorable. mom was here, also incident-less, was nice to see her and not fight. partied on saturday night - quite enjoyable - have a lot of leftover alcohol in my fridge. got package from dad yesterday which included money, a yankees hat [go yanks!], chocolate and a two towers puzzle in a tin. weeeeeee! mumsy got me my jacket, aunt alice paid for my spare tire [score] and got me a beautiful scarf. sam got me chocolate and coffee and tea things from the buck - chocolate espresso beans, yum... all in all a wonderful day.

i'm going to new york for thanksgiving to see my dad's family. [tell me i'm a fucking nutter for driving thru the city on thanksgiving day morning. go ahead.] dad won't be there cus he'll be in florida [black friday, i totally forgot he'd have to be at the store] but it'll be really good to see my cousins and stuff. mom's not too psyched about me not coming home, but it's cool she's letting me do it anyway. now that i know the gollum beast won't shit a brick on me driving there, i'm much more excited about it. i'm only going to stay in ny till saturday morning, then will come back up to school and do work saturday and sunday. go productivity!

i'm hoping to start going to the gym this week. i'm really sick of the way i look and i feel really shitty a lot of the time because of how lethargic i am. it just sucks when you sleep 4 hours a night and your choices in the afternoon with your 2 free hours are choosing between 2 kinds of healthy.. un-sleep-deprived or active. bleh.

school is good. russian is awesome. it's actually my religion class that i hate, which is surprising, cus it's with my favorite professor, but i'm just violently not interested in the subject and i thought it was going to be a lot different. it looks like i may have to reclassify myself as being a first-semester junior next semester, and graduate december of '05 instead of may. yay one more semester with m&c's, but not yay one more semester of giving this place my money. and mom's money. whoa, that's so not a fight i want to have with her.

anyway. picking classes for next semester - milton with godhill; folklore & fakelore at smith; the second half of russian; and then it gets sticky. i want to take grayson's 'theology of the matrix' class [yesiamahumongousfuckingdorksoshootme] but there's also a classical mythology class that i need much more, and a hinduism class, and a late medieval lit class. shoot me now. how to decide!? WHY are there no classes on fairy tales or mythological literature ANYWHERE in this bloody valley? wah.

so, thoughts. i am sick of sharing trigaria with sam [hehe]; that's going to become our writing journal and she now has usually9_15 as her own. i could keep this one and just use it for fandom stuff and you'll have to put up with reading that instead of my sporadic random posts, or i could make a new one. name choices :
anguissette [kushiel's dart reference]
allerlairauh [grimm brothers' fairy tale]
antici____pation [rocky ref]
karmic_curse [depeche mode lyric]
touchfaith [depeche mode lyric]
kissingthedamned [indigo girls lyric]
barefootdancing [indigo girls]
killerbeautiful [indigo girls]
the_ems [what wiseass_goddess's brother used to call me]
carach_annsa [means beloved trickster in gaelic]

i dunno, i want it to be creative but i have no ideas. any other thoughts, share. by the way:


i'm spent. comment, bitches.
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