So bored, la.

Jun 14, 2010 16:22

current mood - Calm.
current music - Something on tv.
current hair style - Ponytail, and pinned back bangs.
current crush - lol, no one.
current thing I ought to be doing - Practising for class performances tomorrow? T_T
current windows open - Skype, msn, this, Twitter.
current desktop picture - The Fallen Senshi of Sailor Moon; Sacrifice.
current book - Hush, Hush.

what colour is your hair - Many shades of brown, brown-red, and black.
current piercings - My ears.
have any tattoos - Nay.
straight hair or curly - Straight.
how tall are you - 167 cm/5'6"  I think.

top - School jumper and sport shirt.
pants - Red sport shorts.
shoes - None; just socks.
necklaces - No.
rings - Don't like rings :S
bracelets - Nope.

last person you hung out with - Idk. LOL. Jac and Heidi... just loitering outside of the rec before getting picked up. If that counts?
last thing you said out loud - " Oh my god....."
last thing someone said to you - "This was in style in the 50's!"
last person you called - Mother.
last person that rang you - can't remember.
last time you cried - Yesterday, watching Autumn's Concerto.

did you ever get into a fist fight in school - Er, no. Unless you count all the times I get play fight? :P
did you ever run away from home - Nope.
did you ever want to be a doctor - I still do! :D
did you ever do something you regret - Doesn't everybody?

believe in God - Yes.
Know how to swim - Sure do.
do you like roller coasters - Depends lol.
do you own a bike - Used to.
do you think you’d make a good mum - WAHAHAHAHA NO XDD I hate children.

have you ever been on a plane - Yesh.
have you ever asked someone out - Nope :x
have you ever been to the ocean - Yes >_>
have you ever gone fishing - Yep.
have you ever taken drugs - lol, only alcomahol and one cig.

what are you listening to - Nothing atm.
what is the temperature outside - Mixture of warm and cold.
what was the last restaurant you ate at - UHHHH. can't remember.
what was the last thing you bought - Vegemite bread roll :3
what was the last thing you had to drink - Wooduh.
what are you watching on tv - TV just got turned off :/

who was the last person to be kind - dunno.
who talked to you on the phone - Uhhh, idk.
who is your current celebrity crush - DAISUKE ONO. :DDDDDD Cute, handsome, hysterical, and sexy rolled into one.
who was the last person you took picture of - Meeee.
who was the last person you said i love you to - Dunno :S

ever really cried your heart out - Yes :/
ever cried yourself to sleep - Yes.
ever cried on your friend’s shoulder - Uhhh, not on their shoulder.
ever cried over the opposite sex - Yes.
do you cry when you get an injury - Never really been that badly injured lol.
do certain songs make you cry - Depends on the tune or whatever,
last film that made you cry - Can't remember that either.

what can make you happy - Anything and everything pretty much.
do you wish you were happier - idk.
is being happy overrated - NO.
can music make you happy - Yes.

how many times have you had your heart broken - Once only so far.
has anyone ever loved you so much that they’d die for you - LOL doubt it.
has anyone ever said ‘i love you’ to you - Yeah.

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