Jul 02, 2011 09:57

 Okay, so I know a lot of people don't actually follow me and won't be reading this, but I had to post it somewhere.

There is the gossip that Harry and Darren are becoming regulars (not actual gossip, I know) but that Chord isn't, in fact, he may be leaving the show all together or at least have much less screen time.  Well, a favorite fanfic author of mine was asked her opinion about this.  This is what she said:

"I really am happy for Darren and Harry, I think they’re both amazing throughout the season, but I also think Chord should be promoted to series regular too, he’s been awesome all season. (nods) Also, I try to keep myself from going too crazy and remind myself that I don’t trust summer spoilers because when we hit the season itself so many different things happen that it’s like…where did all that news go…? x_X"

And I was so happy she said that after seeing another of my favorite fanfic authors rant in the negative.  And in reply to CP and to everyone else out there I say this:

When this first came up I went looking.  All I could find was ONE FREAKING PARAGRAPH worth of info.  (I know some articles are longer than the first I found, but take out the opinions and their no longer than a paragraph).  One article even said that FOX never actually returned with a comment.  And I find that to be suspect.  So I'd say, at least wait until Ryan Murphy or somebody actually SAYS that this is true.

Also, Chord's little tweet that sort of confirms this? “well its been a good yr too bad its over, time for summer and starting fresh.”  THIS COULD MEAN A MILLION DIFFERENT THINGS!  Just because the guy is a star on Glee doesn't mean this is all he tweets about.  I mean COME ON!

The next thing I'd like to point out came out of Ryan Murphy's own mouth so... in an earlier interview about who would be leaving after S3, Ryan said that Sam was NOT a senior.  So?  This IMPLIES that Sam will be on S4.  So either Ryan has decided to save his focus for Sam until S4, or this is Chord's decision.  Who knows?  We DON'T!  That's the point of this rant.

Honestly?  I am a little scared that this may be true, but I'm not going to stop watching Glee because of it.  (Yes, I've read some rantings that imply others might).  We all know how secretive Ryan Murphy is about the show.  He never even talked about an episode if it wasn't the next one.  Two or three episodes ahead?  Hell no he wouldn't say anything, the focus is on the next one.  That's the one he wants people to watch.

Also, another article pointed out that Ryan admitted on the Glee Project that "if a character has nothing wrong with them or if they seem too normal, then he can't write for them and they have no place on the show. That seems to be the case with Sam, because despite being newly poor and living in a hotel (which is just depressing with no comedic potential), he seems like the most normal of all the characters on the show."

I watched that episode and this was out of context I think.  He was talking about the actual person, or just the character that person was trying to portray.  Those contestants are all supposed to be channeling who they think their character is.  THink about it, when the project started Ryan didn't have an idea for a seven ep story arc, he just knew one existed.  These people need to create a character themselves so he can be inspired to write.

Unless Ryan held open auditions between S1 & S2 then he already had the idea for Sam in his head and looked for someone to fit that description.  And personally, I think the fact that Sam is homeless is a pretty damn big deal to make him not normal.  (And I want to know if they also think that bullying has comedic potential, because that's what they're implying, but that's another rant that I'll just keep to myself).

Okay, I'm starting to go all over the place here, and as I've written a few things have come to mind.  So here is my current opinion about Chord possibly leaving the show:

Sam is homeless, and unless his parents find a job/jobs, then he may have to move away (maybe live with grandparents or uncles/aunts).  So yes, this does imply that he won't be at McKinley and thus not on the show anymore.  BUT, he is dating Mercedes, which allows for a long-distance relationship.  So he can't disappear all together.  Hopefully though, his family can move back by the end of S3 (or beginning of S4) and Sam will be a top of the ladder senior gleek for S4.

So yeah, this turned out to be five times longer than I expected it to be.  But I've gotten it out of my system and I don't plan on letting it get to me anymore until I hear it from Ryan.  Then I'll freak out.

Yeah, if you're still reading this... you are AMAZING!

P.S. For Freedom/Liberty readers, I have a few more chapters written and have only one scene each to write (don't know # of chaps, that's up in the air).  Those will be followed with a combined (I think) epilogue.  However, I've really lost steam because this took so long to write.  As a result, I'll be finishing the writing before I even edit them.  But once I get there I'll post one a day each until they're all online.  So, know that I haven't abandoned them, and that I will eventually be returning.  I love you all!

random, me, rant

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