fic: A Beautiful Mess, 14/22

Jan 24, 2011 01:37

Fic: A Beautiful Mess, 14/22
Summary: Luke is a pediatrician! He is officially Dr. Luke Snyder.
Spoilers: References to Luke's past from canon and that's about it.
Disclaimer: Wish they were mine but they're not.
Note: This was inspired by this entry in lure_prompts by the brill _alicesprings. Feedback, concrit, etc. welcome! ♥

This really should've been one long chapter but didn't end up like that. The second part is coming soon! Also, thank you so much for your comments. I haven't replied to them all in the last two posts and I'm usually really diligent/obsessive about that so don't be surprised if you get a really late reply from me.

Also! The Queensland auction has ended and there were some ATWT fandom people who put themselves up for bidding (including myself) and you know what that means? New fic from people! Yay! Thank you so much to peggin for being an awesome crazy bidder and winning my auction and murgy for being not too far behind. Thank you and thank you to everyone who donated!

Christmas approaches quickly and it's time for another hospital meal for the kids. Word's spread about the event. Now random people in the town want to contribute to the feast. But, Luke's perfectly happy with that. He takes the donations and whatever they aren't able to use, he's going to donate it to a local food bank.

Luke's a busy, busy guy these days.

That doesn't mean that Reid doesn't get to see him because he does. Luke probably spends five out of seven days at his place. Reid isn't even sure anymore if he can call it his place. Most of the things in the apartment belong to Luke. Luke's papers are scattered all over the desk. Luke's pants are hanging up in the closet. Luke's watch is on Reid's bedside table because he forgot it there the night before.

Reid doesn't exactly know when Luke's integrated himself into his life but the transition happens so slowly that he doesn't notice it until the day before Christmas and Luke is hauling in a Christmas tree.

"What the --"

"Help me with this, will you?"

"No," Reid says from his place on the couch.

"Reid!" Luke yells, struggling to hold it up.

"Oh, for pete's sake," Reid tosses the newspaper on the coffee table and takes his time as he walks up to the tree. "So, what compelled you to wrestle this in here?"

"I thought we ... needed a tree," Luke struggles to pull it in and Reid finally relents, grabbing the other side and helping him with it.

"Did we?" Reid finds himself pulling a heavier tree after that comment. Luke's hands are on his hips and he looks pretty angry. Reid finds it hot when he's mad but he doesn't really like it so much when it's directed toward him.

"I just thought that it'd be something nice for the apartment but if you don't want it then I'll just take it to the hospital and stick it in a hallway or something. I'm sure they'd appreciate it there."

"Christ, did I say that?" Reid drops the tree too to look back at him. "Look, I'm just not a ... I'm not a tree kind of guy. Okay? Christmases weren't really my thing. Everyone went back for Christmas during their breaks but I stayed in school to study and become the genius that we all know I am. So, it's not an insult to your tree. I'm just not used to it and -- Luke, don't look at me like that."


One minute, Luke looks like he's about to kill him, and the next, he looks like he's just about ready to smother him with kisses. Well, Reid's not complaining about that last part.

"Come on, you know what. Let's just get this thing outta my doorway."

Luke looks away and then smiles, hiding it behind the tree as he picks it up and hauls it into the apartment. He also has a stand all ready to go, putting it in place, and telling Reid to hold the tree while he adjusts the screws in the stand to keep the tree in place.

"There," Luke says from underneath the tree and comes out, a few pine needles on his face that he brushes off. Reid sees that he's missed one and plucks it out of his hair. Luke keeps smiling at him and then leans in to kiss him. Reid's immediately suspicious about it.

"What's that for?"

"That is for being a really awesome boyfriend and also because even though you had crappy Christmases in the past, I don't want your future to be like that."

"You probably had some killer presents growing up rich," Reid smirks, wrapping his arms around Luke's waist.

"You know us rich kids. We got only the best," Luke's arms wrap around Reid's neck, his fingers eventually making it into the hair that he loves to touch. "No, some of them were nice. Not all of them but some of them. But, speaking of events that happen around the holidays, my mom's having a family --"

"Nope," Reid shakes his head.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say."

"I know that it's heading toward a Walsh/Snyder get together and I'm kinda over those." He endured the Thanksgiving situation, the Faith Synder family crisis, and an unexpected gathering a week ago as a pre-Christmas feast. That's more than enough.

"Reid, they're my family."

"I didn't tell you not to go to them. Go."

"I want you to be there."

"You do remember Thanksgiving, right? I don't think that I'm exactly a visitor that they welcome with open arms."

"How can you say that? My mom's had nothing but nice things to say about you after you treated Faith and you even did that follow-up with my sister a couple of weeks later. My dad likes you. He really does."

"Nice and anything in reference to me in the same sentence aren't words that I hear on a regular basis." But, he's been hearing it a lot when people reference he and Luke. People look at them like they're two adorable little puppies and sometimes Reid hates it. But, all he really cares about is being with Luke. "Besides, Christmas. 'Tis the season for head injuries."

"You're impossible," Luke resigns himself, shaking his head, and planting a kiss to Reid's lips before he untangles himself from him. "Same drill as Thanksgiving if you're interested. Hospital and then at my mom's place this year. Now, help me with the boxes of Christmas decorations I left in the car," he says before heading to the front door.

Christmas tree, Christmas decors at his place. Several months ago, he never would've imagined this existence for himself. He isn't even comfortable with the tree in his apartment and Luke just hauls it in as if they're already --

"Reid, please?" Luke asks, turning around to look at him.

Luke looks so earnest and open and Reid's sure that he's had some terrible Christmases in that bonkers family of his but it's obvious how much Luke believes in this tradition.

It's just a tree. He's going to make sure that Luke vacuums and cleans everything and there is a possibility that Luke may make more of those sugar cookies that he'd made earlier in the week to make up for the mess that he'll probably make.

"Fine, fine," Reid shoos him out the door and Luke smiles widely at him before he practically bounces out the door and to the car to get those decorations.

Reid covers his face with his hands and takes in a deep breath before lowering them.

He is so whipped.


Reid has no idea what he's doing at the Christmas lunch.

His intention had been to bring Luke the lists that he'd left at the apartment and leave. That's all that he was going to do and now he finds himself sitting next to Bob and Kim Hughes and enjoying a very fluffy but flaky biscuit. Okay, the biscuit has a lot to do with why he's here. And the gravy. There's also a large slice of turkey leg that he's been wanting to eat.

"Having a good time?" Luke asks, placing his hands on Reid's shoulders and bending down to speak into his ear.

"If you can call a cafeteria of screaming rugrats a 'good time' then I'm great, yeah," he picks at the biscuit and pops that piece into his mouth.

"They're just talking," Luke laughs and takes his seat next to Reid. Luke's plate's been right there and it took Reid every ounce of strength he has to not start eating off of it. "Wow, I'm surprised everything's still here," Luke looks down at his plate and places his napkin on his lap.

"We've been keeping a close eye on him," Bob promises.

"Is that why you've been asking me about the new equipment for the wing, Bob? You wanted to distract me from Dr. Snyder's plate?"

"Why, Dr. Oliver. I thought that you were a genius. You should've figured that out every time your eyes wandered toward the plate," Kim helpfully contributes, a way too sweet smile on her face. He has no idea why that woman hates him. Okay, he's called her husband a bore more than a few times, ancient on an almost daily basis, and has called her job useless. Maybe it's one of those reasons.

"Touche, Mrs. Hughes. Touche," he gives her an inch. It's Christmas, after all.

"So, what are your plans for the rest of the day, Luke?" Bob wonders.

"Well," Luke glances over at Reid. "We're off to my mom's Christmas party after this and then ..." Luke pauses and a look comes over his face. He recovers from it pretty quickly but Reid notices. "Then my dad's coming over, we're hanging ornaments, and probably watch my siblings make a mess of the living room." They all laugh except for Reid. Reid doesn't think that it's all that funny but he is thinking about Luke's look.

"I didn't agree to the party," Reid mentions as he takes a bite out of that slice of turkey leg.

"No, no, you didn't," Luke agrees with him. He says it without any real concern though so Reid can assume that that's not the reason for the look earlier. Now, it does concern him a little that Luke's not making a big deal out of him not wanting to go.

"Any objections to that, Dr. Snyder?" Bob curiously looks between the both of them. It's not really any of his business but they are having this conversation in front of their chief of staff and his wife.

"Dr. Oliver can do whatever it is that he wants to do. He should know by now that I'm not the type to pressuring him into doing anything that he doesn't want to do --" Reid interrupts with the most sarcastic cough that he can muster. "-- and he's an adult with his own mind and he's capable of making reasonable decisions on his own."

"That's very mature of you, Luke," Kim tells him while giving Reid what appears to be a glare.

The worst part about all of this is that Luke doesn't even seem sarcastic. He seems a little off but perfectly reasonable with his answer. Reid wants to ask if someone slipped him something but he holds his tongue for now. Well, he makes sure that there's a delicious piece of food in his mouth so that he can pretend that he's just holding his tongue. He doesn't want to bother starting anything if Luke doesn't want to share what's up with his attitude.

They're interrupted by a parent who wants to thank Luke. That mother is only one of many parents who line-up to thank Dr. Snyder for his brilliant idea.

"Thank you so much. Little Tommy looks so happy today."

"Dr. Snyder, our daughter is just stuffing herself with pumpkin pie. We love it!"

"Little Tommy loves the little gift bag that you gave. Can he hug you?"

Okay, Reid actually has no idea what any of them say to Luke because he's tuned them all out but he's sure that most of the praise sounds just like that. Happiness is all around them and they're all beaming at Luke like he's the second coming. Still, it is pretty impressive how Luke managed to make this all come together. Between Luke's regular rounds, stream of patients, having Reid's cock up his ass on a regular basis, and so forth, he wonders where Luke finds the time. He looks a little worn down but he's still happy, smiling, and animated as he speaks to everyone. Reid's never really known anyone like Luke and despite all these things that he's complaining about, ultimately, these are things that he happens to love about him too.

The lunch does conclude with little gift bags that Luke gives away to all the kids. With the help of other doctors (not him), nurses, and staff they begin to gather the bags together and that's Reid's cue to leave.

He tosses his plate into the garbage and just as he begins to look for Luke, he sees Mrs. Hilts and Matthew approach him first. Luke's smiling at him and leaning down to hug him. Reid's been checking up on him and according to the more than competent doctors on his patient file, he's perfectly fine. What's he doing in the hospital?

Reid approaches them all mid-hug and asks, "Problem here? Thought I wouldn't see you in the hospital again unless you fell down from a rough game of soccer or basketball or whatever." His comment is directed to Matthew who just smiles and dives in to hug Reid. Reid's hands stay up until he gets a nudge from Luke. He awkwardly hugs the kid and sends him back to his mother.

"Everything's fine. Things are more than fine," Mrs. Hilts tells him. "Dr. Snyder invited us. Really, thanks to you Dr. Oliver, Matthew's on his way to a full recovery. That's what Dr. Huang and Dr. Cashion told us. They got the tumor and Matthew's symptoms have cleared and he's feeling so much better."

"Yeah, thank you Dr. Oliver. I'll invite you to my first soccer game!" Matthew says enthusiastically. He's still wearing a baseball cap, his hair shaved because of the surgery but it's starting to grow in a little around the sides.

"Make sure there are sandwiches," Luke tells him and pats Reid's back as he focuses his attention on Matthew. "Come on you guys, there's still plenty of food so help yourselves. We're just giving away the gift bags now."

"Thanks again," Matthew says to Reid and Reid just nods in reply. His mother gives his arm a brief squeeze and then she follows her son to a table.

"A Christmas miracle," Luke speaks after they've left and Reid can't help but notice that his eyes are bright, beaming.

"I wouldn't call it that. More like the excellent proficiency of a staff of highly trained non-morons."

"I know you're not really into the Christmas thing but can you just, can't you," Luke doesn't finish his sentence and Reid waits for him to continue.

"What can't I?"

"No, never mind. I have gift bags to pass out. You don't want to come to the party so I guess I'll just see you later."

And just like that, Luke walks away from him even as Reid calls out his name. He heads to the table with the gift bags on it, gathering a few, and begins to distribute them to the different tables.

Reid has no idea what's up with Luke. He's so hot and cold today and it's kind of driving Reid crazy.

He really does have some work to do though so he heads back to his office to look over a few patient charts.

Unfortunately, he can't read any of them because he can't get that idiotic (but incredibly hot) pediatrician out of his head. He tries. He reads about the subdural hematoma on the patient he had last week and the woman with the cerebral contusion.

When he looks at his watch, he sees that the event in the cafeteria has ended a few hours ago, and everyone's long gone by now.

He sighs to himself and folds his hands together, thinking.

After about two seconds of doing that, he takes out his cell phone to see no voicemails or text messages. Then, he puts it back into his pocket.

There's activity outside of his office. A hospital never shuts down but it is a little quieter than usual and quieter than he thought it would be. Holidays are when the freak accidents happen but he hasn't been paged by the emergency room.

All he can really think about is Luke and he can't even concentrate on these charts. Why isn't he with Luke at that party other than the act that he really doesn't like being at those parties at all. But, isn't it worth it just to be with Luke and see that blinding smile of his directed toward him? Reid even finds himself smiling as he thinks about it.

All right. That's it. It's time to put an end to this.

Grabbing his keys, quickly yanking on his coat, he leaves the hospital determined to get to the bottom of Luke's crazy mood that is driving him crazy by default.

He heads directly to the house, ashamed that he even remembers where it is but he blames his excellent memory for that. There are already cars in the driveway and he doesn't even check to see if Luke's is there.

He gets out, marching toward the house. The door's already open for visitors. People are spread throughout the house, talking, holding their drinks, laughing, the kids are running around, the Christmas tree is up and lit, and there's Luke standing right beside it.

"Doctor --" Lily begins to say something to him but it's all white noise.

He goes straight to Luke who's looking more than surprised to see him here. The entire room is paying close attention to the both of them, all eyes on him to see what he's going to do. He wants to ask Luke what's wrong. He wants to know why can't even finish a sentence in front of him today when he's usually running at the mouth. He has more than a few things to ask him.

Instead, he grabs the back of Luke's neck, and plants a kiss on his lips.

It definitely takes Luke by surprise and he's tense at first before he just melts into it, returning the kiss, and bringing his hand up to cup Reid's neck in his palm. If there are murmurs of disapproval or approval, he doesn't hear them. The only thing that he see and hear is Luke ... and if that isn't the cheesiest thing that he's ever thought, he isn't sure what is.

When they pull away, Reid's eyes stay shut for a moment longer, opening them to see Luke's beaming smile. That's exactly why he drove like a bat out of hell to get here.

"Geez, Doc. Tell him how you really feel," he hears that comment come from somewhere but he doesn't turn to look to see where it comes from.

Amidst the laughter, Luke shakes his head and says to him, "You drive me crazy. You know that, Dr. Oliver?"

"I'm glad I'm not the only one, Dr. Snyder," Reid smiles back at him and it's like they're the only two people in the room.

He's here, Luke's here and smiling at him, he's just kissed the hell out of him in front of his entire family. All in all, he considers it a much improved party already.


my fic

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