Valentine's Day Secret Admirer Extravaganza 2010!

Feb 11, 2010 02:43


More thanks to give for extra special pimpmasters! Thank you ayesakara and suzvoy! You ladies are fantastic. Thank you to everyone else who passed this message along!

Messages will be sent to me. You can reach me here:

The submission deadline is: FEBRUARY 12, 2010, MIDNIGHT. This is midnight your time zone in whatever part of the world you live in. As long as I get them on the 12th. That is this Friday. That is the start of the Winter Olympics, this Friday.

Messages will be posted on February 14, 2010.

The messages make the posts. Let someone know (anonymously) that you admire them, secretly stalk them like them, miss their stories, love their art, etc. The possibilities are endless. It's a really nice thing to wake up to on the morning of the 14th. This is it. This is your final reminder. Send them in by Friday to see them posted on Sunday.

Just like last year? I don't have a limit. Send as many messages as you want to whomever you want. This is about spreading the love, you guys. I'll be posting this message every week and a little bit more when February hits. Questions, comments, suggestions, and contributions welcome! ♥

fandom, valentine's day, holiday, love

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