I love the Luke and Noah story. I figure I'm just attracted to stories (television shows) featuring ridiculously good looking men who are involved in relationships with one another. I accept this.
But, as I've said a million times before, I have a standard when it comes to fic. I can't just read it and say, "BRILLIANT. WRITE MORE PLZ NOW!" without going through my mental check list of why I like this fic.
That said, I finally ran into two good Luke and Noah stories that just made me melt a little in the totally awesome way.
Amazing Life &
The Passing of the Storm These were pimped in the
luke_noah community but they have to be seen by all. Both men totally in character, realistic scenarios spoken about, descriptive language that adds to the story, writing flows well together. Fantastic.
Two great Luke and Noah stories and one fantastic Queer as Folk story over the period of a week? Has my birthday come early or something?
EDIT: I AM SEARCHING FOR A BETA FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER OF MY QAF/10TH KINGDOM CROSSOVER. I need someone who can tell me what sucks, what I can do to fix it, someone to look over grammatical errors, etc. Don't be afraid to tell me it sucks. I already think it has a lot of problems but maybe with someone else's perspective I can salvage it. Help.