I'm wishing everyone a fantastic, fantastic day today.

Dec 25, 2008 18:49

I want to wish everyone the best Christmas, Hanukkah, any holiday that they celebrate this week or no holiday at all! I'm fully immersed in the Christmas spirit even if it's that time of the month. :| Y'know, it's difficult for a lot of people this Christmas with the state of the US economy but I hope that everyone is managing okay and having the best time that they can.

Also thank you so, so much to sanami276, colorthenight, friday82 and that anonymous gift I received when I was feeling a little down. Having messages like that waiting for me really makes my entire Christmas that much more special. I'm pretty much content with just hanging around the apartment and watching movies with my mom which is what we're doing right now.

So, how was everyone else's Christmas? What made this holiday special for you?

When I have more computer time this weekend I'll be back with gifts! Thank you to all of you for making my Christmas, making my year a very special one. You all mean a lot to me.

question of the day, flist love, holiday

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