The end of Turkey Day weekend.

Nov 29, 2008 11:01

Tomorrow is the last day of my mini-vacation and all I want to do is take another week to just hang out at home. As if I didn't go through the majority of my life doing that. Guess that's why I'm having the work blues. This is my first year out of college and there's a lot to get used to after being within a very organized school system since I was three and a half years old (pre-school).

But, hopefully next year I can take a nice couple of weeks to just go somewhere and do something. I still don't know what it is because there are a lot of options. Part of me wants to go to New York and see the West Side Story revival. Big part of me is totally gung ho for Toronto's pride. And of course I'm reserving a side to see Randypants sometime. But, I don't really know. It all depends on the whole financial situation.

That's on everyone's minds these days. There are a lot of people who simply can't afford to fly home to spend the holidays with their families. It's unfortunate.

Wow, that was kind of a downer. Sorry. I guess I've been watching the news a lot.

In other news, I love this article and it's about Twilight so Twilight loves beware. This isn't the article for you. That hospital scene? I literally LOL'ED through it. It was the sputtering a la Kristen Stewart that got to me. For the most part I was able to contain my laughter until that moment.

I will be shamefully watching the Britney Spears special tomorrow because I am intrigued. I actually loved Blackout but I don't like what I've heard of Circus. I'm a Queer as Folk fan. I love dance music. This cannot be helped.

Oh! Speaking of music. I watched Topic Thunder today and thought that it was absolutely hilarious. Usually Ben Stiller movies are a hit and miss for me but this one was really great. Robert Downey pretty much trumps everyone in the movie. So, about the music? Hearing Name of the Game playing? Yeah, my fellow Qaf fans. We all know what I was thinking of. Mhmm.

holiday: thanksgiving, music, movies, nablopomo, qaf

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