a tease and stuff

May 07, 2007 16:08

I have good news. But I can't share it, teehee. Soon. I can say this: the writing biz, she is a fickle lover. Very fickle.

In not so fun news, my little dude has a nasty virus with a very high fever attached. And barfing, because what is our house without a good barf episode? Poor little guy is very lethargic and basically blah. So he's watching a lot of TV which I never let him do normally. I am again reminded how much I loathe that whiny kid Calliou. *shudder*

We're getting a spring stormy type thing, which is a nice break from the heat.

Wish me a good night's sleep--last night we were up at 4 a.m...

kids, writing, blahblah

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