Well, The Jason Factor wound up at number 19 in the Preditors and Editors poll, which I think is a pretty sweet deal.
veronicaarch told me I was nominated for an award through Rites of Romance Reviews. Also pretty sweet! I'm almost as excited that they reviewed my work (review due out in March), because getting reviews has been slow, slow, slow. So yay that!
If you're inclined to vote in their poll,
here's the yahoo group addy.
I haven't exactly been encouraging folks to go buy The Jason Factor any more, given the problems with Venus Press. I really don't have much to say about it--I think the place will shut down soon, and the rights to the story will revert back to me. Until then, if you did try to buy it and had a problem, I'd be happy to send you a copy (with proof of purchase, of course). As I said in my newsletter, buyer beware--you'd probably be better off elsewhere (like, say, eXtasy Books--keep an eye out ;)
I had a blast at the Ren Faire yesterday, but omg I'm exhausted. It didn't hit me until we got home, but I'm still freaking sick and I coughed all day with the dust and everything--my sides are sore this morning (I think I can count that as abdominal exercises, don't you?) But we had so much fun, and I got two whole days of hogging
catinthesun. Bonus!
Now I'm off to take the rug rat to school and cough up a lung, apparently. Ew.