It is so good to be back on American soil, I swear I could kiss it. XD
In Taiwan time, we left at five in the afternoon. My dad drove us to the airport, saw us off, and we walked around the airport once our luggage were taken away. I got lucky as there was a Subway, so my mom let me have a small orange soda and a six-inch turkey sandwich. They had to be out of meatball.
My brother had bought a pack of cards a few days ago, so he taught me how to play a few card games. I was surprised, and they actually turned out to be quite fun. And it was a good way to pass the time since we were way early. He's getting pudgy. He used to be really skinny when he was younger, like a skeleton, but now he's gotten bigger. He's eating too much these days. >_>
Ugh, I swear to God, I am NEVER eating food on the airplane again. I got really airsick and wanted to vomit. x.x Luckily, I didn't. The flight was about ten hours long, and it wasn't too bad, but it was still rather uncomfortable.
Worse, thanks to those damn terrorists, we couldn't bring any electronics, gels or liquids on board the plane. I thought I would die of boredom without my CD-player. I slept, or tried to, for half of the flight. I really hate flying economy. If only they made the seats a little more comfortable. I'd love to fly first-class, but it's expensive. Plus, getting home was more important.
They showed three movies to what I've seen. I think the first one was Mission Impossible III (I don't care for it), then The Wild (which is a total rip-off of Madagascar, which is a whole lot better), and RV. I only watched part of it for Robin Williams.
We safely arrived at San Francisco's airport at eight in the evening. I had forgotten that Taiwan is like a day ahead of us, it's still Sunday. o.o;
I am NOT flying to Taiwan again for at least a few more years. I actually survived six weeks over there, but I couldn't stay another day. I was getting really homesick.
Need to graduate from college and work on attending San Jose State soon. We're temporarily staying at my childhood friend Joanna's house I had mentioned before we left, until my mom finds a new apartment. It's nice here, and her parents kind to us, especially to me. I get my own room, and her father was kind enough to set up my computer and hard drive, and install Internet for me.
It is good to be home.
Oh, here's my newest character stamp.