You may look but you don't always see

Aug 23, 2011 01:04

After being defeated by his father, Arthur watched in awe as this common boy defeated a man twice his size, but as he scanned the crowd he saw the pained expression on his servants face as he watched this boy fight. Once this boy Gilli the announcer said made his way through the crowd. Arthur could see the pain in Merlin's expressions and wondered what was wrong. That night on his way to speak with Merlin, saw him leave Gaius's chambers in a rush, followed without notice which is hard considering he is the crown prince, but he continued following until Merlin entered the tavern, he hid outside the door in the shadows and listen to the conversation.
"You see the way people are now, they're showing me respect, you don't know what that's like for me" Gilli said
"I do." Merlin replies.
"No. No one does." Arthur saw the door close and he moved closer and heard Merlin whisper something.
Inside the room Merlin balled up his fist. "Forbærne." He whispered. Opening his hand he produced a small flame showing Gilli his magic." It's lonely," he hesitated "to be more powerful then any man you know and live like a shadow. To be special and have to pretend your a fool. I know how it feels, I understand."
"Then you understand why I have to fight. If Uther is killed so what, how many of our kind have died at his hand." Arthur stood outside listen, did this boy what to kill his father, his king? what did he mean "our kind."
"How many more, it's time for people with Magic to fight back!" Gilli said. Arthur was stunned
"Gilli."Merlin said
"You can't tell me what to do!" Gilli turned from Merlin.
" You need to learn to use you magic for good that is it's true purpose, it's not meant for your own vanity!"
"I'm not gonna apologize for who I am, you can be a servant, and pretend to be less then then but..."
"No that's not what I do."
"You defending the King! Protecting a man who would have you dead..."
"I'm protecting you."
"You've been pretending for so long you've forgotten who you are."
"No that's not true."
"It's it?"
"It's time someone struck a blow for the likes of you and me and if you're to weak, then I will." Gilli pushed past Merlin out the door past and unseen Arthur.
Merlin had Magic and defend a man who would see him dead Why? Arthur watched Merlin return to the castle. That night Arthur stood in his window trying to understand all he heard, DidMerlin really have magic? As he contemplated this question he saw Merlin run across the courtyard, grabbing his sword he followed. Following Merlin to the outskirts of the city Walls he heard Merlin speak an unknown language,
"Dracan, eom, ala, sece findan metan, teosu hus anbid! Aerne!" just as he went to confront him the "dead" great dragon landed in front of him, he was to shocked and amazed to move, he listened.
"I had hoped you had forgotten me." the dragon said
"I don't think so." Merlin laughed
"The problem is young warlock, you wish to talk but don't want to listen, the last time we met you choose to ignore my advice and over rule me."
"I'm sorry."
"A dragonlord should never abuse their powers. What reason do you have to summon me this time" Out of his slight daze Arthur continued to listen, 'this time had Merlin summoned the dragon other times, if he was a dragonlord why did he not speak when we went searching for Balinor.'
"You are a creature of Magic and only a creature of Magic can understand. Uther is to fight a you sorcerer in the tournament, Gaius want me to stop him from using magic, but if I do there is every chance he will die."
"Your choice is a hard one young warlock, yet you like I must hold out hope that Arthur will bring about a new age an age where the likes of you and I are respected once again. If he sees his father killed through the use magic it will harden his mind forever." Arthur was shocked at the mention of his name,'what did all this have to do with me.'
"No, there must be another way."
"To see one of you kin die is not an easy thing, but all great struggles demand sacrifice. I am sorry young warlock, I wish I had some word to help you."
"Some choice are easy some stay with you forever." Arthur watched as Merlin was leaving and went to follow when he heard the dragon, "he has faith in you young Pendragon, I hope that faith is not misplaced."
"he lied to me." Arthur said shakily
"because he feels that you true judgement about magic is still clouded by your obsession to please Uther. He has faith in your shared destiny, don't prove those how don't believe right by betraying him"
"I have one question."
"Yes young Pendragon."
"If Merlin is a dragonlord, why did he not stop you before we went looking for Balinor?"
"A dragonlord is born not created, the power passes from father to son, Merlin was not a dragonlord before you left Camelot." the dragon took to the skies, leaving Arthur with much to think about. The next morning Arthur watched Merlin do his chores and smile, saying hello to everyone the crossed his path, but he could also see the conflict in his eyes. As the finals where set to begin Arthur decided not to tell his father yet because he knew and he never gave him a reason not to trust him. When the tournament began Arthur tried to keep his eyes on his father as this sorcerer tried to defeat the King, but he found himself watching Merlin, when he saw it, his eyes glow molten gold as the boys sword go stuck in his fathers shield. Merlin was actually protecting his father even though it would be so much simpler to let him die. 'He has faith in you Young Pendragon.' the match was over father had won, he saw Merlin follow the boy and rushed to catch him.
"Magic is not meant for fighting it's not meant to bring you glory."
"I never understood my father, I thought he was afraid of magic, he wasn't, He was afraid of what it can do, how it can corrupt. Now I know he was strong...well stronger then me. I'm sorry."
"I know it doesn't seem like it now, but one day magic will be permitted once again and when that day arrives you will no longer have to hid who you are, your gifts will be recognized and we will be free. Who know maybe then our paths will cross paths again." Merlin said
"I hope so"
"we will we're Kin" Merlin said. Arthur hid as the boy left.
Arthur returned to his room with much to think on. 'Was it Merlin, when I escape impossible situations, he is always with me...'
As he sat with his father and Morgana, he father said that he showed that he was ready to be king, Arthur caught a glimpse of the smile that appeared on Merlin's face. 'He believes in your shared destiny.'
As Merlin prepared him for bed Arthur was lost again to his own musings 'If Merlin has magic maybe it's not all bad, he had every opportunity to take over the kingdom...' "Good night Sire." Merlin said.
"Huh... Oh good night Merlin." Merlin looked at him strangely but it was quickly dismissed. Merlin closed the door and Arthur return to his own thoughts. 'I'll just watch him for now and see what he does,' Arthur fell into a restless slumber as the dragons words filled his head. 'don't let those who don't believe be proven right.'

merlin reveal arthur found out on own

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