
Mar 16, 2011 15:10 Party!

Tuesday, March 15th, 2011
Filed under Events,Headline,Horror | Posted by

You have no doubt noticed the spiffy new design on, so come on out this Saturday, March 19, and help us celebrate. In’s fifteen years, this is probably the sixth or seventh site design. Mixing things up is good. Here at, we pride ourselves on our combination of horrific literary tradition and bad attitude, but that doesn’t mean we don’t like to come out at night sometimes!

The new site design launch party is hosted by Tricia LaBelle and Bar Sinister at Boardners. Boardners is at 1652 Cherokee Ave, just off Hollywood Boulevard in the heart of Hollywood. Boardners is a seventy-year-old historic Hollywood venue. It is rumored to be the last stop for Elizabeth Short, where she drank before her ghoulish murder gave her immortality as the Black Dahlia. At one time, Boardners appeared to be a beauty parlor, but this was really just a front for its true calling as a gambling speakeasy. What a perfect place to celebrate the dark!

After the event, will be publishing photos from the party red carpet. Red carpet arrivals are from 10pm to 11pm. contributors, including fiction writers, artists, and members of the panel of experts, should contact us for guest list. Community members with more than 1,000 posts (who have not been Eyeball SPORKED!) qualify for VIP as well. Blue Blood’s Amelia G and Forrest Black will also be covering the party for magazines and online, with a portrait photo location towards the back door of the nightclub. There will also be performances from two gothic bands on stage, The Tragic Tantrum and Mather Louth And Radio Noir, with DJ John C & DJ Tommy spinning in between and after.

You can use the flyer below for a discount, on . . .

( more details and nightclub discount coupon after the jump )

gambling speakeasy, party, event, red carpet, gothicnet, gothic

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