Blue Blood Aiden Starr Stars in Major Armory Productions by Amelia G : October 31st, 2010
The fine folks at Kink caused quite a stir when they purchased The Armory in San Francisco. This is a hundred year old building initially constructed as a San Francisco National Guard Armory and Arsenal. As the building fell into disrepair from a combination of age and neglect and - this being California - earthquakes, it is rumored to have been used for such diverse purposes as local police department efforts to give at-risk youth a place to box safely and George Lucas shooting spaceship interiors for the original Star Wars. Whatever those walls could tell us, the savvy Peter Acworth has the huge Armory building set up now with a combination of offices and multiple film sets for sites which include
Divine Bitches,
Sex and Submission, and
Whipped Ass.
So it was really just a matter of time before some crazy over-the-top vampire porn with high production values started coming out of the Kink machine. On Sex and Submission, Lorelei Lee, James Deen, and Jessie Cox are vampires who bite, fondle, and abduct a speakeasy patron played by Kristina Rose. The vamps take her back to their lair where a ghoulishly made-up Mark Davis takes part in helping them turn their captive into a vampire herself. The methodology includes, of course, a combination of ritualistic mutual blood-drinking and a lot of BDSM sex. It is actually often quite an ordeal to be able to accept credit cards for this sort of material, but, if I may mix metaphors for a moment, sometimes the 800 pound gorilla gets to bite, beat, and make sweet vampire love however he wants to whomever he pleases. So A Fall From Grace is episode 1 of the new Kink Vamp series.
The Halloween update on Whipped Ass is a take-off on The Craft. Aiden Starr, Lorelei Lee, and Whipped Ass director Maitresse Madeline are witchy women who wolfpack tender little cheerleader Chloe Camilla in the locker room. They take her captive and have their way with her over and over. Can they convert her into a member of their witches coven via, of course, a combination of ritualistic forced orgasm inside a pentagram and a lot of BDSM sex? Watch La Seduction De Chloe Camilla and find out.
Maitresse Madeline is also the director of Divine Bitches and she says Halloween is her favorite holiday in real life. In real life,
Blue Blood’s own lovely
Aiden Starr is both an intelligent aficionado of lots of fandom goodness and a delightfully depraved sadistic pervert, so she is a really really great choice for Kink to cast in adding that witches and vampires spice to the BDSM they are best known for. Her cock-chewing scenery-chewing performance as the vampire queen in La Semence Des Vampires is impressive. The head vampiress realizes she needs more than blood to sustain her, so her evil vamp minions, played by the very beautiful Bobbi Starr and Nika Noire, find the hapless lucky John Jammen drinking whiskey alone and bring him back to the castle. The vampires are soon drinking their victim’s blood, coming up with exquisite tortures for him, and making sure their vampire queen Aiden Starr gets every drop of everything she needs. Having such excellent dominant women in this scene really helps provoke a genuinely conflicted eroticism from submissive John Jammen who is very convincingly torn between arousal and terror of what these sadistic women are going to do next. Also, props to the costume department because Aiden Starr’s hat is fabulous.
With any vampire porn movie, just like with an
Avatar porn parody, there is the issue of really high quality porn being compared to similar non-sex productions with zillion dollar budgets and actors experienced at acting. It is definitely nice to see that Kink put together plot lines and casts which worked to both present the subject matter their members pay for and push the creativity envelope. To a certain extent, there is perhaps an element of roleplay acting in most dom/sub interactions, so maybe dominatrixes just make better actresses. These scenes are for the most part refreshingly irony-free and the performers just really go for it. Check ‘em out.
We have a little
SFW vampire porn gallery for your viewing pleasure here, but you’ll have to head over to
Divine Bitches,
Sex and Submission, and
Whipped Ass to see
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