SJ's Jacket

Nov 14, 2008 20:43

I came up with a brilliant sentences for a song! I wrote it some hours ago. (If you've read my last post you'll see that I've just joined a new band.) Okay, it goes like this:

I’ve got a dirty mind
He got it all wrong
I tried to gaze at his behind
But his jacket was too long

Guess who's trying to, unnoticed (NOT), stare at SJ's butt? Maxy! Revolutionary shippings ftw! After I had poured an ocean of hot chocolate down my throat I also had some brilliant ideas last night. But they weren't that great when I read them again just now. It was about a person that created a time machine and brought Robespierre to the 21. century, and Max could only came out once a month when the moon was full. So, you can imagine my disappointment when I read it without the warm liquid temporarily paralyzing the creative part of my brain...

slash, max and the imiliens

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