Comment with "Squee!"
• I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better.
• Update your journal with the answers to the questions.
• Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions
Kos_Mos607 (for the love of Christ, why will LJ not let me link to your journal) gave me 5 questions...
Serious man candy under the cut, ladies.
1) Which GK man is your all time favorite? I love them all, how can you do this to meeeee? Fine, have my top 5.
1. Sgt. Brad "the Iceman" Colbert
Brad is my favorite because he's made of fucking steel, but you know he secretly has the biggest heart of them all. He doesn't let anything get to him in that he can make decisions quickly and accurately in the most hectic of circumstances, but he cares about his men, about trying to do as little harm and as much good as possible. He's extraordinarily intelligent, quick-thinking, and well-read. He's not your average enlisted man. Brad is also a fucking BAMF. He sees all, knows all, and multi-tasks like a motherfucker. He has an amazing, cynical, dry sense of humor. He is both a warrior and a renaissance man, and both of those are a dying breed. He and Nate are my OTP. He and Ray are the most epic, dysfunctional BFFs ever, and he's so adorable with Walt and Trombley, taking care of them and shit, and I love his banter with both Poke and Rudy, and his camraderie with Pappy and Kocher. I can't ship him with anyone other than Nate, because this is one OTP that actually seems like we're not just making shit up. These boys have my heart. However, I could see why someone would ship him with Ray, Walt, Poke, or Kocher. I've seen Brad/Trombley that makes sense too.
2. 1st Lt. Nathaniel "Nate" "LT" Fick
Look at his haaaaaaaaaands
I love it when he looks sassy.
I love Nate because he's this nice guy with a gorgeous choir boy face, and then he's all "WHY THE FUCK ARE THEIR IRAQIS WALKING THROUGH OUR LINES? WHY IS NO ONE UP ON OUR GUNS?" or "DO NOT COME UP ON A CONVERSATION BETWEEN THE CAPTAIN AND MYSELF AND SPEAK UNLESS SPOKEN TO. AND NOBODY FUCKING SPOKE TO YOU." or "YOU CAN FUCK WITH ME ALL YOU WANT, BUT DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT FUCK WITH MY MEN." He's young, and he's idealistic, but he's not be fucked with. He doesn't give a fuck about medals or kissing ass. He cares about doing the right thing and getting back home with all of his men. He has a wry sense of humor, he's smart as hell, and he has balls carved out of fucking granite. Nate and the guys in the command vehicle interact so adorably. I love that Mike's a nag. I also love the look Nate gets on his face when Ray comes up with crazy shit, and I love the way Nate interacts with Walt. He's also adorable when talking to the Reporter. I can see why people ship him with Ray, Walt, or Gunny. Nate and Brad are so in love with each other.
3. Cpl. Josh Ray Person
Oh, Ray-Ray, how I love you. You and your rants and your street-talk, and your hidden intelligence, and your smile, and I CAN'T EVEN. Ray and Walt are boyfriends. The end. Even if people ship Ray with Nate and Brad and Rudy. Although Rudy/Ray make-up sex would be hot.
4. Cpl. Walt Hasser
Walt is an adorable puppy. He's human sunshine with a porn star tongue. IDEK. He's such a sweet boy, and he and Ray are going to ride off into the sunset together. I just want to squish him. He's probably a total freak in bed, because it's always the quiet ones. I love how Brad and Nate both look out for him, even though he makes it fairly clear that he can take care of himself.
5. Sgt. Antonio "Tony" "Poke" Espera
Poke is stupidly hot in angry way, but he also has a gorgeous smile. He's such a badass. He's complex and interesting. The way he speaks, you'd expect him to be just another ex-street thug, but everything he says is extremely well thought out. His rants are epic. If Poke wasn't clearly happily married, I'd ship him with Lilley or Brad. I love him for lampshading the homoeroticism of the Corps.
I also love Gunny, Doc, Q-Tip and Christeson, Rudy, Pappy, Lilley, Garza...hell, I love the entire platoon plus Kocher, Redman, Dirty Earl, Patterson, and Barrett. I also love Sixta's ridiculous ass.
2) Whose your favorite band? Little Big Town
Phillip Sweet, Karen Westbrook, her husband Jimi, and Kimberly Schlapman
Click to view
I would do bad things to both Phillip and Jimi. Especially Phillip.
3) What's your favorite memory? The first one that comes to mind is running up to my cousin Sidney when I was four, screaming "Sinny, Sinny" and him picking me up, swinging me around, and putting me on his shoulders. This shit happened all the time. He's nine years older than me, and he's a tall son of a gun, so I used to ask him to let me ride on his shoulders so I could see stuff.
This is me and him two Christmases ago.
4) What's your favorite color? pink or purple
5)If you could have any man in the world warming your bed for you, who would it be? Alexander Skarsgard.
God, those legs. This is from the set of Battleship, in which he plays Taylor Kitsch's adoptive brother. I don't give a fuck what happens on screen, I'm going to ship the hell out of that.
I would like to draw your attention to his biceps.
I love Yeti!Skars and his ridiculous condom shirt.
# swagger
God, those hip bones.
oh, that tongue action
His hands, oh God, his hands
Obviously, boy is fucking hung. Don't judge me.
Alex is the type of guy who can make you laugh until you cry,
have passionate, primal sex with you
and then put on a suit, have dinner with your parents, and make your mom fall in love with him.
Seriously, just look at him.