Announcements! And later on I'll have pr0n!

Sep 01, 2007 16:39

A couple things! I just want to remind everyone on all the journal sites that I'm only posting my fics over on my Insane Journal. The reason why I'm saying this is because I actually have about 400 words of Pr0n to post. Not much, but better than nothing. If you're wanting, the lovely darkhavens made amejisuto_ij, a feed that will let people on live journal know when I've posted on IJ.

suki_blue and I are also opening up We Love Dick for posting, because We do love Dick.

Seriously, Nightwing is one of my favorite characters! Even if he does need Prozac.

Suki and I have also committed ourselves to an asylum. What? Y'all knew we were crazy. Seriously though, we've opened The Playground for us to post our fics and fool around. Hopefully it'll help me get rid of this nasty writer's block too.

So that's what we've been up to! That and thanking all the deities above that August is over. Or maybe that's just me.
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