Le sigh . . .

Aug 07, 2007 15:33

Well crap. I just found out that if you don't use your icons at Greatest Journal, they go bye bye. This has NOT affected my main journal yet at GJ, but it probably will at some point in time because I have over 480 icons up over there and there's no way I'd spam y'all to use that many or talk that freaking much. A lot of them I have on my computer but a LOT of them I had up and then my computer crashed so that's the only place I have them. Looks like I'll be buying floppy disks tomorrow at the store.

What really frosts my Christmas cookies is the fact that I had an journal set up for my holiday icons. All those pretty Yule and Halloween and Thanksgiving and Valentine and . . . well I still have the Valentine and Ostara ones but my Halloween collection has gone the way of the dinos and now I'm gonna have to track those down. Again.

Bah humbug.
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