First Japan everything

Jan 13, 2016 16:00

Right, so...I finally have time to write about the big Japan trip of 2015. Better late than never.

There was nothing too mind-boggling about Osaka, now that I've looked back and decided that I'd prioritize Kyoto the next time I go there. Still, the city was kinder--as in I could really say yasashii in all senses of the word--than I expected.

First off, my friend Kat and I couldn't find our hostel on our first night. The neighborhood it was in was really quiet, not just because we were out on the streets late at night, but because we were surrounded by office and apartment buildings. There was also the feeling that nothing exciting ever happens here at whatever time of day.

Weird location, but the beds were really very nice.

But then we saw two girls hanging out in front of one apartment, and not only did they give us directions, they actually walked us to our hostel's front door. One of them was more confident with her English and asked if we could be friends and even have lunch if we have time. So now, yay, we're Instagram friends! Folks in Tokyo weren't as welcoming, except for the friends that we met there on purpose.

Speaking of friends, one thing that we really looked forward to doing in Osaka was meeting our university sempai Tina, who lives there with her family. She took us out for a proper udon lunch at Umeda, and we gleefully watched as her daughter Nana slurped plain udon noodles like it was nothing, and then followed it all up with senbei, which she could never say "no" to. Aww, Nana, why are you so cute!

Hello, udon, I miss you. <3

Cutest Japanese baby ever
As Osaka was our point of entry, this was also where I encountered Japanese trains for the first time ever. God, I never thought I'd profess so much love for public transport. I could spend all day taking the trains in Japan and never get bored.

This was the station near Osaka Castle, if I remember right

The feet markers were strangely amusing, IDK why

At Noda Station

Thanks, JR Pass!

Comfort is very important.

For the rest of the trip, we had no other guides, but we did see other places that Kat has already visited, like Fukushima-ku, where she stayed the first time she went. This was the first place where I had that "shit, I could actually live here" kind of feeling.

I mean, there was nothing so special about it, you can say it's your average little town. But it was just so charming, especially that long stretch of little shops, cafes, and houses with potted plants in front. I don't know why I didn't take as many photos as I could, so here's a collage.

Memories of Fukushima-ku
Oh, right, food! How could I forget? We ate our way through Dotonbori, of course. Did I say Osaka wasn't special? I take that back. I'm so sorry, Osaka, and I seriously mean that. If there's one place in this city that I'd love to go back to, this would be it.

Everything I love is right here.

Best. Balls. Ever.

I finally understood why one person could actually finish this without blinking

Relief after burning our tongues

We found Nino! First JE-related ad sighting

We never thought we'd love an octopus so much

As far as touristy things go, we really didn't do anything much, except see Dotonbori, the grounds of Osaka Castle, and the National Museum of Art. We swore we wouldn't go to theme parks, even if I was actually daydreaming of the Harry Potter one a few months back.

Ah, and of course we did something JE-related, especially on September 15, the anniversary of Arashi's debut. We visited the JE shop and I tried to take a photo of the building at least, but I swear, the guards were too bloody efficient. But we did come out of the shop bearing JE official photos, and found another shop where I got to buy a Tackey and Tsubasa CD that was on sale. One item off the Fangirl Mission list, check.

Hello, I'm 30 years old, I like Japanese idols, and I have no shame.
One thing that I regret not having enough time for was learning some words from Kansai-ben. I mean, my Japanese is already poor as it is, but I really like the sound of this dialect. A colleague who spent four years in Osaka said that people in this city are so chatty compared to the folks in Tokyo and Kyoto. The words also sound so hilarious, even if I have no idea what they're actually saying. Sadly, the only word I know is "nandeyanen" (thanks to a bunch of idols who couldn't say anything else but this on an episode of Shukudai-kun. I'm looking at you, Arashi).

Thanks for this photo, Kat!
I really don't know enough to tell you how terribly funny and awesome Kansai-ben sounds, but when you find yourself standing on the streets of Umeda surrounded by people practically yelling at each other left and right, you'd understand why.

Did I say I'd pass up on Osaka next time? Okay, I take that back. It's difficult to walk away from something that's been very kind, after all. Until next time, Osaka. やっぱ好きやねん!

japan, happy trails

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