Fetch Sirius Fetch!

Jan 26, 2011 16:18

Whoa, sorry for the late posting of this one. I've actually been in the fog the whole time for this derby but I'm not sure I'm going to place. Please give me a vote if you can before noon this Thursday. You have to have an account that has bought something to vote.

"Fetch Sirius Fetch"

Sirius, the dog star, fetches the planet Earth. Based on Sirius the closest star system to earth… maybe too close. Bad dog! Put down that planet where you got it from.

To vote:



"How does the derby work? Can I buy this shirt?"

Only the top 3 shirts will become shirts. Click on the shirt image above and hit the “I want one” button on Shirt Woot.

If there is no vote button to click on:

To vote on shirt woot you have to have an account that has bought something off of any of the woot sites (woot, shirt.woot, or wine.woot).

If you want you can purchase a shirt off the reckoning.

Once you have bought something you can cast a vote for however many designs you want.

You can also read this entry on Dreamwidth.

dog, shirt woot, derby, stars

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