Man, the Christmas drivers are out today with their helpful middle fingers extended for anyone that doesn't want to drive at 20 mph. I'm not sure if it helps or hurts that my responses is "yeah, yeah, don't care, get out of the way." =D I should probably not tailgate but dude 20? Really?
Put up my
"Circle of Cute" shirts at Blue Genie. Things are going really well over there so I keep putting in new art and products. I'm still behind on some of my stuff though. I need to get the pendants/pathtags out. I'd suggest if you want
Christmas cards to get them now because I think I may sell out. I still have some for now but I'm watching them.
Looks like my parent's computers are infected with some sort of spam/virus thing. We were just searching for maps of Mesopotamia and hit the wrong website. It didn't help that I didn't realize we were using Internet Exploder. =/ I got a packet sniffer for my Mac to see if they were still infected after we scanned them and yeah... they keep doing suspicious things. I took them off the internet after that. No idea what's infected them. So far I've tried Ad-aware and Microsoft security essentials. Spybot search and destroy won't install without connecting to the internet, which I'm not willing to do currently.
So that's been fun. I'm writing this from my Mac which is pretty much laughing but my PC laptop got something I'm not sure how since none of the computers are connected. I don't know. It's been sucking.
Everything else has been okay. It's really weird though, I mean life... in general. I'm not sure what to make of this year or how I feel about my art stuff. I've done more art this year then the last few years put together but I've also shifted my focus quite a lot. So I feel a bit adrift. Still change has been good in a lot of ways. Would like to do something with more story at some point. I really miss crafting a narrative.
Not sure, things have been weird.
I bought some awesome shoes last weekend. They look like shoes a witch would wear and they have a 3 inch heel. I have no idea how to walk in them but they are so cute. I've been wearing them on and off trying to break them or my foot in. One of the two has to give at some point. They make my right foot feel really weird after a little bit.
I should talk about New York Comic Con and the 2 weeks a hung around my friend's place in New York but later. Now I'm going to make me some bright yellow soup. Nom nom. Soup.
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