Things to do… Akon

Jun 05, 2007 04:52

Money suck:

San Diego Comic Con plane ticket
Cobalt Flux
Estimated tax payments
Printing for Anthro-con

Work... or lack there of:

Color correction
Drawing new art
Coloring art
Stop sucking
Make a Comic Plan
Write comics
Layout layout layout comics
Sketch comics

A-kon is over and done with and after looking at the receipt books I'm thinking I might not go back. Well, at least not to sell things. I was briefly dismayed that not one thing I put in the art show got bids and then I realized that I haven't been drawing fanart. So really, what was I thinking? I mean it is an anime con and I'm not making fanart? No wonder I didn't really sell anything at the art show. Shrugs. I just haven't been feeling the fanart in awhile and my art is far enough away from anime to not be in the style. Considers, I think I need to work on building up a larger base of people interested in my art. Which means I need to stop slacking so much and start making enough things, art, comics, bits so that people care about my characters and such.

I also need to stop touching my face. Gah, oily hands! Sits on hands to stop myself.

Sales have been declining at A-kon for me. Not sure if it's any one thing that's the cause. The crowd has changed so much over the years and I've changed as well. I don't feel like doing the things I need to do to really sell stuff to the current market- fanart, anime portraits, prints and the like. Also I'd much rather walk around and talk to people, take photos of terrible hip hugger jeans and the skinny people that somehow look fat in them, and buy art from awesome artists. Which I can't do manning a booth with only me working it. Randomly, don't scritch me it's weird and creepy. Sorry, but no.

I did find the love for my digital camera. I like taking photos of hot people in great clothing and real people in poor clothing choices. It makes my day to stealth photo weird lumps and boy hips created by awkwardly wrong sized hip huggers. Designers need to make better... ie. not shitty pants, again. Studies photos for drawing normal people. Oh my god, I didn't know I was drawing folds so poorly. Examines clothing more.

The sad thing is that the fun parts of the con were the parts that weren't me sitting behind a table and selling things. I usually do have fun doing that cause I love selling things but not his year. I would rather hanging out with artists and people I never get to see. Sadly, I couldn't do that because I was stuck at the table. I should just drive up for the day with my friends and wander around the con and talk to people instead of trying to run a booth. Plans for next year.

I really want that metal DDR pad. Watching late night infomercials on crappy exercise machines makes me really want a working pad so I can dance like a monkey again. I killed my medium Red Octane pad awhile ago and miss the work out/video game/spastic flailing of it all. Sticker shock is the main issue since I have money for it stocked away. I should go ahead and get it I need the exercise.


fashion, life, convention, news, a-kon, blah blah blah

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