Honors convocation

May 20, 2010 17:59

So, I finished up my last final of my undergrad career.  Oh, it feels SO good to be done!!  Seriously, there were times when I never thought that I'd get here. XD

I'm skipping graduation and honors convocation, the latter which I kinda regret.  Today was honors convocation and seeing all my friends dressed up and in their caps and gowns made me wish that I was part of it... especially since I earned the same honor.  Ah well.  Hindsight and all that crap.  But~  I did end up putting on a friend's cap and gown for a quick picture.

So, for posterity, here's me in my school's cap and gown.  Yay~

Graduation date:  May 28th~!!

Fuji TV start date:  May 25th~

graduation, cap, gown

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