On a happier note...

Sep 16, 2006 19:03

Yesterday I took the day off, went into the city and attended the XPN Free At Noon Conert with the Barenaked Ladies!!  Yes free!

I got there at a great time and was able to stand down front by the stage.  They did a 45 minute set for the live radio show,  but then went on to play about 3 more songs off-air.  It was so much fun! 

I felt like I was back in college when I first learned about these guys (might have been the not having to work or have anything to rush home for).  There was some guy (wish I could remember his name) visiting my  school for a conference and he had this t-shirt with the band name on it and I thought that was a little strange to be wearing on a tee.  So my friend and I asked him about it and he told us about this great band from Canada. I've been a fan ever since :) but never had I been so close!

Okay, can I tell you a nerdy secret? Recently I saw the episode of Beverly Hills 90210 where BNL played the Peach Pitt Afterdark. The World Cafe sorta reminded me of the Peach Pit and I started laughing out loud at one point. Yes I am a dork, resume your reading.

Side note: They finished with a super long version of "If I Had $1,000,000" and instead of "I would buy you a house", it was "I would buy you the first season of House". One of my favorite things about seeing these guys live is how they change it up.


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