No Day But Today....or Sunday

May 19, 2006 09:02

On Sunday, my Mom and I are going to see Rent  just before it leaves Philadelphia. I am so very excited. You see, this will be the first time I have ever seen the stage production. Can you believe it?

Yes, I have been a huge fan of the soundtrack since I first head "Seasons of Love" back in college on the local Lancaster radio station, but never got around to seeing it. Heck, I had never been to NYC until after college.

I am one of those people that listens to a soundtrack over and over and tries to figure out the story on my own. I am a lyric girl. When my sister first moved to New York, she and my Mom went to see it and I was so upset with them. Musicals are my thing!! Yes, I did see the movie but it is just not the same.

Sunday is my chance. My Mom has already warned me that she is going to sing along. Ha! I am just afraid I might cry the whole time from excitement and getting caught up in the story.

PS: Did I mention that during the survivor parade before the Race For the Cure, some local school chorus sang "Seasons of Love" while they marched down the Art Museum steps. As soon as the piano intro began, I started crying and sure enough as my Mom came down the steps she was crying too.


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