So I was surfing the web and found this interesting activity:
Jason Turner's Page 100 Project I picked my favorite book, The Trolltooth Wars, by Steve Jackson (don't judge me), opened it to page 100... and it's this huge scene with characters I can't even remember (I haven't read the book in a very long time), a huge fly monster being eaten by other monsters, green blood oozing everywhere, people running through a crowd and no sign of Darkmane (the ruggedly handsome Major Character)...
I'm not running away from the challenge, but I'm seriously considering the possibility of adding a comic page to the portfolio I have to send until February 1st and this might be it, because I'm too chicken cautious CHICKEN to start my 'vamps in space' webcomic project.
The other books I'm considering are either from the Temeraire series - which means dragon action, and I'm not too sure about my dragon-drawing skills - or this French fantasy book I'm reading, but I haven't reached page 100 yet, so I could very well miss some important visual element.
I wonder if I have the guts to do a Fighting Fantasy book for this project? And if I do, should I stick to page 100 or would it make more sense to pick number 100? (you know, the FF books, you choose what your character does and then flip the book to the number indicated in your choice)