bitch, please [2]

Dec 05, 2009 11:14

So yesterday I had this exam in college. Theory of process. Class is bo-ring. Tough midterm (I did study, but got the worst grade since I started law school). So this time I study extra hard, even though The Exam is coming and I'm having tons of extra classes.

Yesterday, my front gate went haywire (the rain probably got into the electric engine), so I decided to leave the car home and take a cab. I left extra early, thinking traffic might be difficult, because of the rain. Talk about difficult!! The river that flows along main street freaking FLOODED, so the driver heads another direction, taking a longer route that would avoid the main street. Another flood. So there we were, completely stuck in traffic, people are leaving buses and going back home on foot, and I'm expecting a huge tidal wave to wash over everything, much like that scene in front of the New York library in Day After Tomorrow. A bit of wishful thinking on my part.

I call student services and say that I'm going to miss the exam and it's not my fault, so it's not fair that they make me do the same exam they give to people who skip the set date (which is tougher, because they ask for the whole term's content). The guy blurts out something about the extra exam being a student's right and hangs up on me, before I can protest.

At this point, my cellphone battery dies. But the flood was over, about half an hour after the exam started. I decided to go to college anyway, just to show that I did everything I could to get there on time. I open the classroom door, expecting to find 2 or 3 colleagues in there (there was a FLOOD, for goodness' sake!), and EVERYBODY was there, taking the exam! The professor looks at her watch, as if to say "yes, I noticed you are late, you lazy girl". I go over and explain about the flood and that it wasn't my fault that I was late, and that I should be able to do the exam another time and she says "nonsense, you are just half an hour late, you can still do it - the other exam will be harder than this one!"

So there I was, completely taken off guard, trying to decide what to do, and this colleague says "don't worry, you can do it, the exam is easy!" so I agree and pick up the exam sheet. I've just touched the piece of paper when I remember that the cab is waiting for me outside, in case I decided to go home, so I tell the professor I have to go out there and let the driver go. She goes "What, you're leaving the room after I headed you the exam sheet??" basically calling me a cheater. I tell her I never even looked at the questions and was about to say 'screw it, I'll take the extra exam', when she says, like she's run out of patience "fine, just go"

After letting the cab go and rushing back to class, I pick up the exam, sit right in front of the professor (she was watching where I was going to seat, expecting me to pick the best place to cheat, no doubt). At this point I'm not only nervous because of the time, I'm also feeling pretty crappy because of the whole unfairness of the situation. The professor thinks I'm a lazy bum and a cheater, everyone else has more time to do the exam than me, I left my watch home, so I have no means to keep track of time and I needed a flawless grade, in order to keep my overall average from shooting down.

Of course the exam was a bust. A flop. A complete failure. My last two answers are ridiculous, I left one item in another question blank, because I couldn't find the article in the law, and if I don't fail this class, I'll just barely go through with a crappy grade.

First thing Monday I'm heading back there and darn it, I'll get myself some justice.

rant, college

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