This post has nothing to do with grading - that's just my only SW-related icon.
My SIL is having Teh Day Form HELLLLL at work and I'm sending her funny stuff by email to cheer her up, except I'm OUT of funny stuff. I dug out the Viking Kittens singing Led Zeppelin and I found the Van Halen gets sensitivity counseling with Dr. Phil interview and the thing about people betting on whether Heather Mills' leg will fly off during Dance with the Stars.
I usually get a lot more goofy stuff by email from various people but *today* when I need it, the well has run dry!
My SIL is a HUGE Star Wars fan. I've previously sent her things like the Sith Letter and the YTMND pants thing (actually
metherion sent that - I haven't laughed so hard in years) and the Top Ten Twisted Lines and the iharthdarth strip, but I think that's about it. So, please help me, friendslist! What have I overlooked? What I can send my poor beleaguered sister-in-law? Stuff that's a link is okay; stuff I can cut and paste into an email (with proper credit, of course) is even better because sometimes she can link out and sometimes she can't.
TIA! Snogs all around!