Hans Gudegast, a.k.a. Eric Braeden, played a hired gunslinger on an episode of The Virginian that I saw recently, looking quite purty. Screencaps ensued!
The first time we glimpse Augustin (pronounced aw-gus-TEEN), he's leaning against a tree talking with a fellow henchman, looking like a LONG drink of water!
He's working for a disillusioned ex-marshall played by Leslie Nielsen who has a Sekrit Plan to assassinate a couple of politicians.
The Sekrit Plan involves dressing up as soldiers, hence a change of costume.
For what seemed to be a small role, Augustin actually has an interesting arc. He once had a relationship with the beautiful Marian, who no longer wants anything to do with him ...
... no matter how earnest or woebegone he looks. We hardly ever see him hatless; you can see he has blond highlights.
But look who rushes to his side when he is wounded near the end! Well, yes, the kindly priest--but also Marian.
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